Once upon a time, there lived three friends named Lilly Lemon, Billy Banana, and Willy Watermelon. One day they went to the store. Willy got green beans, Lilly got chicken, and Billy got oranges. When they got home they ate some of the food they got from the store. Then they took a nap. In the afternoon they went on an adventure to space. But they had to make a rocket ship. They were going to make a fancy rocket ship. So Billy said I am going to make three boosters out of metal. Willy said I am going to make two body parts out of glass. Lilly said I am going to make one roof out of bricks. Then they started to build. Then they all agreed to make air come out of the boosters. Once they were finished, Willy said Let’s make the inside. And so they did. They made the walls out of steal, the ceiling out of wood, the windows out of metal, and everything that is inside a rocket ship glass. Then they tried flying it it worked very well. Now they only needed spacesuits. They went to the store got their size. Lilly was size 9, Billy was size 11, and Willy was size 12. When they got home they put on their suits and got in the ship. Then they flew to space. It took 2 days for them to get to space. When they got to space, everybody said Whoa. Then they went out into space. There is no gravity said Billy. They just floated around. They played games. They even got in the ship and flew to different planets. They stayed in space for one year. When they got home they put their ship in their yard. Then they went inside and put their suits on the rack. Then took a shower. Then had lunch. Then took a nap. In the afternoon they played a game of Star Wars Clue. They played two rounds. After that they had dinner. Then had fruit. Then played with their dog Manny. Then went to sleep. The next day they had breakfast. Then they went to space one more time. After that they had lunch. Then took a nap. Then played some more rounds of Star Wars Clue. Had dinner. Then had fruit. Then walked outside. Then went to sleep.