Today at Sports Camp I played kickball. On Monday {I think} I got a Sports camp shirt. It said Hilltop on it. The counselors were Ryan, Celeste, Evan, Mark, Mr. one, Jake, and Mr. Crew. Those are the only ones I know. 3 more that I don’t know. They are all girls. I played soccer. And today was pool and falls. So, it doesn’t mean we just go back and forth. It means whoever wants to go to the falls goes to the falls. Whoever wants to go to the pool goes to the pool. In the pool there are water guns and fluffy sticks that you can play with. The water guns are airplanes or other fluffy sticks that are short it’s where you put the end of the longer color in the water and pull the shorter color side and take it out of the water and push the shorter color in and it squirts water out. The airplane is where you put it in the water and pull the tail take it out of the water push the tail back in and it squirts water. There’s a silver or white string that’s pretty short to make it look like a regular plane. It is fun.