Diary October 9, 2024

Today at St. Marks I did art. I learned primary, secondary, tertiary, tint, shade, tone, and monochromatic colors. A primary color is a color that cannot be made with any other color. Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. A secondary color is a color that is made with two primary colors. Orange, green and violet(purple) are the secondary colors. A tertiary color is a color that is made with one primary color and one secondary. And the primary color has to be said first. Red orange, red violet(purple), yellow orange, yellow green, blue violet(purple), and blue green are the tertiary colors. A tint color is any color mix with white. A shade color is any color mix with black. A tone color is a color mix with white and black. Last a monochromatic is one color. Mono means one and chromatic means color. So, monochromatic means one color. I hope you enjoyed it. So, what do you know about art?

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