Going skiing

Once upon time, there lived a horse named Harry, a reindeer named Ron, and a hamburger named Hermione. One day they went on an adventure to the mountains to go skiing. Harry was size 9. Ron was size 7. Hermione was size 7 too. They went skiing for 34 minutes. When they went in they played a game. It was called Mysterium. Ron won. Then they went back skiing. They met Professor Dumbledore the Papa Donkey. Hi said Hermione. Hi said Professor Dumbledore. Professor Dumbledore was the master at skiing. So if anybody needed help, they could just ask Professor Dumbledore. Then Professor Dumbledore joined them to go skiing. Professor Dumbledore was size 13. After an hour, they went in to watch Mulan. Then they kept skiing for 18 more minutes. After 18 minutes they went on the chairlift. They did it 2 times. Then they went in to play Chess. Then they went snowboarding. They went to the mountain tops. Then they went on a trail. They took the green trail. Then they went to a snowy ground and built forts and did a snowball fight. Then they built an igloo to stay in for a while. They brought all their stuff into the igloo they built. Then they made a fire and made hot chocolate. When they were finished they went to the black trail and took it. They finished the black trail. Then they took the blue trail. They had to take a few chairlift. Then they went to a different place to go ice skating. They took the practice. Then they did it by themselves. Once they were good they played Hockey. Then they went back to the place where they built the igloo. They went in to read about famous ski people. Then they did what the famous ski people did. Then they were famous. People would put pictures of Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Professor Dumbledore. They were like ski masters now. They did some more chairlifts. When they were skiing down they closed their eyes and they could do it. They practiced a lot so they know what the place looks like and they know where they are. They can even do it backwards. They can even do it backwards with closing their eyes. That is very hard and tricky anybody can do. Only very good masters can do it. Not even regular masters. So after that they tried doing it with snowboards. They could do everything except the closing eyes going backwards. They practiced it for 15 minutes and then finally they could do it. Now they went to the ice skating place and tried doing it. They could do all of it. Then they had lunch. Then they took a nap in a special napping room in the building. Then they tried doing it with Hockey. They could do everything except the closing eyes going backwards. Since they were playing hockey it would be hard to practice. But since their masters they practiced still while playing Hockey. Then after 12 minutes, they could finally do it. Now they could teach anybody in the world how to do anything with skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. So then they took the black trail and did everything they knew on the way. Then they did it with snowboards. Then they were ski masters, snowboard masters, and ice skating masters. Now they went to teach some smaller students. They taught six. Their names were Jack, Styler, Mary, Raiyah, Porter, and Vorie. Then when they were masters they taught students. As more masters came more difficult lessons came. Then when everybody was masters, they all did a race for everything they knew. And guess what? Everybody made tie. Nobody lost and nobody won. Then they all did everything they knew so fast they broke their record. And guess who won? A student named Jason. Everybody cheered. And Jason got two trophies. One of the trophies was hard work. The next trophy was for winning. Then they did it again but with Jason out. The last winner was Styler. He did not cry. He just cheered happily. Then Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Professor Dumbledore went to the very tippy top of the mountain. They played a game called Don’t fall of the mountain. The way you play that is you are fighting on the tippy top and if you fall off the tippy top you are out. If you fall off you can ski or snowboard whichever one you have on the side of the mountain. When the game is over you have to ski or snowboard back to the tippy top and play again. They played five rounds. The winner for the first round was Hermione. The second winner was Harry. The third winner was Professor Dumbledore. The fourth winner was Harry. And the fifth winner was Ron. Then they played one last round strong and tough and the winner was Professor Dumbledore. Then they raced each other for snowboarding or skiing around the side of the mountain. They had to do 10 laps around the side of the mountain as fast as they can. And the winner to that was Ron. Then they played one last game. It was Racing to the building. They had to race to put their things away. And Hermione won. Then they all said good-bye and went to their own home. They might play again.

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