Author name: Adrian

Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the Jumping frogs, Chapter 6 the case of the lawn mower races August 23, 2024

In this chapter Encyclopedia and Sally go to a lawn mower race to watch the lawn mowers go drive around. A teenager Mary Mullins was in the lead. And she crossed the finish line the winner. At the end Mary Mullins is very tired she hit two bumps, and her mower died. Ken, Larry, Bill, and the detectives go help Mary Mullins fix her mower. Ken found a nut a few yards away past the first bump and Larry found a bolt past the second bump. Bill went to go get wrenches. And sense Bill went to go get the wrenches, he put the nut and bolt back in place. Bill didn’t want Mary Mullins to win, so when he put the nut and bolt back in place he loosened them so that Mary Mullins couldn’t win. I like the part where Mary Mullins won the first race. She had the best mower so that’s how she won. Her mower was purple and green. And the strongest carburetor. The carburetor is where the gas stays. So, the strongest carburetor means that gas will never spill out. And it was the best one in the race. Everybody liked it. It was so nice that many people came closer to look. I do not like the part where Bill made Mary Mullins lose the second race. Bill is a little mean. He is one of Bugs meany’s gang the tigers. Mary Mullins finished last. There are seven mowers in the first race. And ten mowers in the second race. But Ken and Larry were both nice. They were one of Mary Mullin’s friends since they were three to seven years old. They always went to the same school. Ken’s cousin, Larry’s twin brother and Bill’s aunt were all competing too Mary Mullins was as well. I don’t know who the other people are, but I know that their competing which is fun in a lawn mower race.

Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the jumping frogs, Chapter 3 The case of the black horse, August 21, 2024

Waldo wrote an essay about Columbus proves the earth is flat. He’s say’s Stinky Redmond stole it. So, when they got to the carousel, Waldo got on to a white horse three horses in front of the black horse. At the end Stinky gave back Waldo’s essay because Stinky didn’t want to get punched in the face by Sally’s big fists. I like the part where Stinky gave back Waldo’s essay. Stinky also had an essay. Because as soon as the carousel started Stinky went straight to the bench and was reading Waldo’s essay to notice Stinky’s mistake. I do not like the part where Stinky was lying and took Waldo’s essay. Because Stinky also said he wrote Waldo’s essay. He was wrong. And Stinky said he had gotten sick after going up and down on the carousel. But the black horse had only one hoof off the ground. Any horse with three (or four) feet on the ground doesn’t go up and down it doesn’t move at all Stinky couldn’t have gotten sick. thanks to Encyclopedia sharp brain and Waldo’s sharp eye, Waldo got his essay back.

Diary August 20, 2024

Today I am staying home until the end of the week. I am writing right now, and it is my last work. I do not know what I am going to do after this. Maybe play a game, maybe go in the pool. It depends how long daddy will take to finish his meeting. Daddy had a lot of meetings this week and last week. I do not know why. Maybe because it is actually a workday for daddy, but mommy has to go to work too. So, daddy staying home with me. But he’s supposed to go to work but he can’t because he’s with me, so he has to do a lot of work and a lot of meetings. Because it is actually a workday for daddy but he’s staying home with me. But that’s good so daddy’s doing work and I’m doing work. Nobody’s bothering anybody. But I played a little bit Mario Kart. It’s fine it was just a little bit. What song I’m playing on the piano is Let it go. I am getting better at it.

About me August 16, 2024

My name is Adrian R. Zhang. I am 6 years old. I have two brothers Brett and Craig. Brett is 5 years old. Craig is three years old. My favourite movie is Star Wars. My favourite character is Darth Vader. My favourite activity to do is Ping-Pong and play games. My favourite game is Clue. Sometimes I like to go in the pool. I like doing funny poses when I jump in. I like jumping in with daddy. It is fun. I like playing beachball with mommy. Brett is going to a new school called Armstrong. It is Brett’s third day at Armstrong. And is first week. He started on this weeks Wednesday August 14th, 2024. Yesterday I played Clue with Nainai. While I was waiting I made a phone call with daddy, momy, Brett, and Craig. Craig kept putting his face so close to the phone. Diana is my baby sister she is 0 years old (but she is not dead.) She was there too. But she was napping.

Diary August 15, 2024

Today I came to Nainai’s house. Because I am staying home all week and next week. I don’t think I am staying at Nainai’s house next week because I have to by my shorts for St. Marks and my Gym T-shirt and shorts. I will get my school uniform T-shirt later. I also have a picnic next week, mommy already ordered the picnic food. A Hamburger and Grilled cheese sandwich. And maybe some french fries to go with it. I think she’s getting two Hamburgers and two Grilled Cheese Sandwich’s. And if she gets french fries I think she’s going to get one box of it. And two little containers of ketchup. I do not know if she is getting chicken nuggets of not. But during the picnic we will watch a high school football game. I hope we sit in the front. It is better to see if we sit in the front. I think the picnic will be fun. Maybe yes maybe no who knows.

Diary August 14, 2024

Today I am staying home. I dropped of Brett at Armstrong in Ms. Doremus’s class. I got to go inside for a little bit. He had a coloring sheet. I helped him open the crayon box for him. His coloring sheet was a picture of a kid wearing a backpack and walking to kindergarten. And the words on top read My first day of kindergarten. He also had two pencils. And one bigger box to put the crayons and pencils in. The bigger box you could see through it and the lid was red. You can still see through the red lid. He brought his red water bottle, his headphones, and his green paper sheet that his teacher is supposed to see. That was it well and his lunch and his snack. He has a little cubby under his desk (but still connected) where he can put his headphones. His water bottle goes on his desk above his paper. I hope Brett has a good day.

Diary August 13, 2024

Today we went to the Armstrong playground. We played with a new orange and blue ball. We practiced throwing it into the hole. We tried playing lacrosse, but there was no grass, so it was hard. I practiced doing the monkey bars. Brett did too. And Brett practiced his flips. We found some lost flip-flops and brought it home. Yesterday we went to Bretts meet the teacher at Armstrong his teacher was Ms. Doremus. My teacher was Ms. Johnson. The other kindergarten teachers were Ms. V or Ms. Veitheimer and Ms. Spalten. Ms. Spalten’s new name is Mrs. Banks. Because she got married with Mr. Banks. So, everybody in her class got a ring pop. I wasn’t in Ms. Spalten’s (or Mrs. Banks) class. So, I didn’t get a ring pop. Only everybody in her class gets one. I wish I was in her class heh-heh. Ms. Doremus’s class looked nice inside.

Diary August 6, 2024

Today at Martial Arts, Brett was feeling a little sick. His temperature was 101.5. So, we came home a little early like at 2:14. We only had a quick second snack. Chamberlain Martial Arts has karate then we have snack then karate then we have lunch then karate then we have snack then karate then we go home. They have 2 snacks with lunch after the first snack and before the second snack. We played a game called Zombie tag. The way you play Zombie tag is, someone is the tagger, and they have to be on their knees, and if you get tagged by the tagger then you get on our knees and you become a tagger. The last person standing is the winner. My brother Brett was the first tagger. Whoever is the first tagger has to slam the ground and yell THE GAME IS ON!!! so that people know that their ready to play. That game is very fun.

Diary August 5, 2024

Today I went to Chamberlain Martial Arts with Brett. I played a game called Ninja noodle. The way you play is someone gets to be a tagger, and whoever’s it, holds the noodle. If they bang the noodle on the ground, then the game is started. Everybody else (and the tagger) runs around, and if you get tagged by the noodle then you are out. Also, if you run out of bounce then you are out. When there are two people left then they shake hands, when the noodle bangs the ground game is started. And whoever gets out first, the person still in wins. Only the Senses or the volunteer can be it. Nobody else can be it. Not even the person who wins. You have to stay in some kind of rectangle during the game. If you stand step or even one footstep out of the rectangle, then you are also out. We make a rectangle shape with the cones. So, it’s easier to see.

Diary August 2, 2024

Today I had my show Daddy recorded it. I came home early. I just had a little snack for lunch. I brought some home. So, I could save room in my stomach for a restaurant, called Whataburger. I had a hamburger some French Fries and some Ice cream. He also gave us a cookie, but we were going to bring it home to share with everybody. When we were washing hands, a person hit Brett with the door by accident. That’s why he gave us some French fries. He was being nice to us. I had half a hamburger, Brett had quarter a hamburger and Daddy had a whole hamburger, and we all shared another quarter of a hamburger. We got Chocolate Ice cream. But it was soft. We used a spoon and a straw. And we all had a happy time at Whataburger. I think Whataburger is the words What a burger together which is very funny.

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