Author name: Adrian

Diary August 1, 2024

Today at camp I practiced my show. But it was the last time I get to practice. Because tomorrow I have to perform. And daddy is going to come. Which is going to be exciting. My perform has a little story to go with it. My show is thirty minutes after Bretts. At twelve o’clock. That is my performance. I might have lunch at home with Brett. My performance is around thirty minutes. Bretts performance is exactly {Well maybe} thirty minutes. So, that means that Bretts performance will be over thirty minutes before mine. I will be in Ms. Theo’s class maybe putting on costumes. Or maybe playing games. My counselor on Monday was Ms. Raven. My counselor on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and maybe Friday is Mr. Devon. The counselor that I meet at the start of the school and end is Ms. Ameila and Ms. Gina. It is going to be fun tomorrow.

Diary July 31, 2024

Today at Camp I tried on my costume I didn’t have to wear a hat. I was Pikachu. I had a yellow costume. I drew a picture of a boat. And made a story with everyone. My part was the King and Queen going to their castle from the doctor so that the born princess was healthy. The story was called The King and Queens new-born princess. That’s what the boy’s story was called. I don’t know what the girl’s story was. Anyway, I was Pikachu another girl was Sparkle’s another girl was Rose the witch and another girl was Tinkerbell that is all the good guys. Another boy was Raboot another boy was Fred the flying pizza and another boy Ang those are all the bad guys. I don’t know who the neutral guys were. There were a lot a neutral guy’s. I know Crystal, Evi, Zelda, and Squirtle those are all the neutral guys I know. It was fun on the stage.

July 30th, 2024

Today I went to Drama camp. I played Four corners it’s a game where someone is counting to 15. And everybody else runs to a corner on time. The counter keeps their eyes closed and says a corner number one, two, three or four. If the counter says corner number four then everybody in corner number four is out. The last one standing is the winner. Whenever there are four people left, those four people that’s in, gets their own corner. Same for three people and two people. I also played Night at the Museum. It’s a game where one person is a nightguard and everybody else makes a pose and if the nightguard see’s someone move, then you’re out. The nightguard can walk around. And the nightguard can tap someone’s arm and that person tells what that person is. And if the nightguard is not looking at you, you have to move. Fun.

Diary July 29 2024

Today I had a good day at school. I played games. I played freeze dance. I watched a movie. I had new friends.

Diary July 28, 2024

Today I went to the Armstrong playground. I did monkey bars, and I threw the little toy ball into the rock-climbing hole. And then I practiced lacrosse. I had the little white stick and mommy had the big black stick. The way you play lacrosse is first you put the ball on the ground hold lacrosse stick right hand on top and left hand on bottom. Bend down and scoop it up with your stick. And then you use your right-hand to push the stick but keep holding on to the stick. And your left-hand pull (but also keep holding on to the stick.) The way you catch it is put you r stick wherever the ball is going and bend back a little. And when you throw it throw it where someone is at. It is kind of hard at first, I just practiced a lot. The more you practice, the more fun it gets. You can stay away from the other to play about at least 4 feet. It is very fun.

Diary July 25, 2024

Today I had a special lunch. I had a little circle pizza with pepperoni shaped for eyes and a mouth. I also had a hot dog that was wrapped in bread like a mummy. After that we waited a little bit and then we had ice cream float it was yummy. We had Sherbert Ice cream with soda in it. I also made a new lanyard. During lunch a kid at Newcome fell and her bone knee bent to the side. The right side. The ambulance had to come the fire department. And two police cars. There were 10 police officers. So, there were 5 police officers in each car. The kid that got hurt was a girl a 13-year-old girl. She was trying to catch the ball and somehow fell. It was very bad, and it hurt. But now she’s alright. Her name was Alex I don’t know how it happened I wasn’t even near it. It was way far. The police officers popped her knee back when she fell.

Diary July 18th, 2024

Today at camp my counselor was Raider. My third counselor of the week. I made a new lanyard. I went swimming for one body check. Body check is When you get out of the water and get in a very straight line and be super still and super quiet. The better you do the quicker body check will be. After that you get to go in back in the water. I did three body checks. Every time you hear BODY CHECK!!! you know what to do. There will always be two or three lifeguards. Now I have 4 lanyards. All of them I did were the first lanyard I made had colors orange and green. Second red and orange. Third brown and green. Fourth tan and orange. I am going to make 5 lanyards. One for me, one Brett, one for Craig, one for mommy and daddy to share and last an extra one just in case anyone loses one {mostly for Diana when she’s older}. I loved today.

Diary July 16, 2024

Today at camp My counselor was Raider. She was 245 years old. And she’s still alive. We went to archery and field. I made a lanyard. At the end of the lanyard, it looked like a tree. It just shaped like a tree. I got a popsicle because it was hot. A very sunny day. We all got the same flavor which was orange. We had it inside. The popsicle inside. Mine was a little broken. But that was okay. I just hold it by the rapper. So that it didn’t melt or fall on the floor. It melted a little bit, but in the bag. It melted in the bag and just not on the floor. That was also okay. I am going to make three lanyards. Which was going to be a tiny bit hard. But that’s okay. I went swimming. I watched my group go canoeing. Because I didn’t want to go canoeing. I just worked on with my lanyard. In the shade under a big bush. I only got to do it for 5 to 10 minutes.

Diary July 12, 2024

Today at camp Swat was on a trip. So, my counselor was Diore. At the end of the day, we went on a scavenger hunt. The winner gets a popsicle stick. I did not win it. Rocky’s class won. In three times in a row. Which was pretty cool. She won it this year, the year before and the year before that. Means she won it 2022, 2023 and 2024. They must be very good at scavenger hunts. The scavenger hunt had eight clues. But it didn’t have number four. I don’t know why. At first a kid said that the girls stole it but actually it just didn’t exist nobody made number four in all those years so that’s why there was no number four. I didn’t find all of them because Rocky’s class already won it first. So, it was over when they finished. The scavenger hunts the whole thing was finished for every class. And then we had a big Newcome counselors VS campers.

Diary July 9th, 2024

Today at camp I had a new counselor. His name was Swat. I made a Rainbow loom necklace for everyone. Craig just broke one. Craig’s been very bad today. He doesn’t get to watch TV or have any candy. Because he was crying at school. It was very bad. He wasn’t supposed to cry. He said he wasn’t going to cry when he did it was like a lie or something. Brett left at 9:30. I left at 7:30. Brett left two more hours than me. That was very long. Brett finished three works at a time that time. Which was a lot. Brett came home at 11:00. I came home at 5:00. Which was also way more. On Wednesday Brett made a performance at Drama camp. Brett’s character was Bluey. We watched it on TV. We watched Brett’s performance. It was fun watching. Very fun. Brett did a good job. The performance was like a little story. And Brett looked very funny.

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