Author name: Adrian

Diary May 22, 2024

Today I had everyone come to our classroom’s. And our parents came. The whole class. Not just me. Everyone’s parents came. And Ms. Johnson. I got a certificate. And a time capsule. It was very exciting and happy loved and there were a few that were running around because they were so excited that Ms. Johnson had to tell them to stop but they did not stop. They were too excited. Ms. Johnson put up a movie to watch. Then we sang our first-grade song that was pretty long that the parents started singing too. Then when they went home, we stayed at school. We could not open our certificate until we are in high school. I will be 18 years old but also 17. 17 years old and 18. Ms. Johnson gave us some hand motions to go with the song. I also brought home bubbles. With a graduate hat on top. It was blue. Withe a blue wrapper.

Diary May 21st, 2024

Today I practiced my First-Grade song. That I’m going to sing to the parents. And my parent. Probably both. I’m going to look at my parents and sing the whole song. Everybody’s parents will be there. Ms. Johnson will also be there. We practiced without looking. We practiced that Ms. Johnson was our parents. It was very exciting. Everybody was happy. It was probably 5 minutes long. We practiced many times with Ms. Johnson for maybe 20 days which is 4 weeks without crying or tears while Ms. Johnson taught us. Everybody knew whose parents were coming. Like some people’s moms or dads. It can only be parents. Not grandparents. Just parents. Then we went to the library. And got some books that I have to read for St. Marks. And the letters and authors. I only picked a few. Because the whole list was too long. So just a few.

Diary May 20, 2024

Today at Specials I had P. E. and art. At P. E. I played tug of war. At art I drew a coral reef. We were going to color on Thursday. On May 23rd 2024. Friday is Field day. We were going to play lots of games.

Diary May 13, 2024.

Today I did not have library. Because last Monday was the last day of library. So, we did Writing instead. We wrote about the things we love our mom. Then we labeled. Then drew a picture of the things that we wrote. Then colored. Then Ms. Johnson copied it. When Ms. Johnson labeled it, some of the stuff we did not see. But that was okay. We just redid it.

Diary May 9th, 2024

Today I went outside and played Jack Punt with Lukes Football. Leo was Jacker and Luke caught it. So, Now Lukes Jacker. Leo, Lincoln, Luke, Kayden, Brooks, Whitten, and Holbrook were playing. There were 7 players. The football was blue. It was fun. We played 2 rounds. First round was 10 games. 2nd round was 20 games.

Diary May 8, 2024

Today at school I had a substitute. Her name was Ms. Kay. She gave me lots of work and I finished it. She knew how to do the rest of the day. She took us to specials. We went to Spanish and P. E. She took us to snack outside. She passed out green folders after we got our backpacks. When Ms. Johnson came back she made us watch a Mystery Doug. Then she took us outside to go home.

Diary May 7, 2024

Today I made a project with Blair Smith. I made many ways to make 12. I made 25 ways. We only had 5 minutes. Ms. Johnson collected it to give to Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith was going to show it to the other teachers. Then we were done.

Diary May 6, 2024

Today at school we have been working for Mother’s Day projects. We are writing about what we like our mother’s do. And drawing them. After we draw them, we have to label them. We draw 6 things. And pick one. Whichever one we pick is the one we draw. It’s super fun.

Diary, May 2, 2024

Today we planted flowers in the garden for Mother’s Day. Then we planted some of our own plants. Inside we learned about How plants grow. It starts as a seed and then roots grow out. Then root hair come out. Then the Stem wiggles out. And then the leaves push out and then the flower.

Diary, May 1, 2024

Today at school Ms. Spalten {Another kindergarten teacher} is going to get married. She’s going to change her name to Mrs. Banks. Because her father’s last name is banks. Then we did a performance for 1st and 2nd grade. Our teachers were watching too. Mrs. Morgan told us what to do. It was fun.

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