Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chapter 10: The Family begins to starve.
In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory… It was snowing at Charlie’s house. Snowing so hard that nobody could go outside. Not even in the car. It came into the house. Here’s their ideas they tried to push and slam and lock the door very tight. But nothing worked. Not even their ideas. I like the part where they tried many ways to keep the doors closed. They even tried good ways for little storms. Like putting many things in front of the door. The tried putting 10 chairs and more. They did it up to 16 chairs. Because they only had 16 chairs. They had 1 extra chair, but Mrs. Bucket was Writing Charlie’s friend a letter. I do not like the part where it was snowing so hard. It was very very very very very very very hard. It was a snowstorm. Nobody liked it. They tried to stay in a very hot place. Like in the closet or in the basement or in the attic. But nothing not even 1 idea worked so they tried many many different ways.