Author name: Adrian

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chapter 3

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory… Grandpa Joe told Charlie about the Factory. Mr. Willy Wonka’s Factory was all made out of chocolate. Even the inside was made out of chocolate. The walls, pictures, windows, bricks, and beds. It was so amazing. It was like the whole palace was made out of chocolate. And it was. I like the part where the whole palace was made out of chocolate. It was at the Factory. The palace was the Factory. It was so exiting when Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine went there. Joe was 4 years old. Josephine was 7. Charlie was a baby in Mrs. Bucket’s belly. I do not like the part where the whole Factory was made out of chocolate. Mr. Willy Wonka wanted the Indian Prince to eat the chocolate. But the Indian Prince said ‘No. But Mr. Willy Wonka was right. Because the whole palace melted in summer. And it was summer. Mr. Willy Wonka did not get all covered in chocolate because he was standing away from the palace, but the prince did, she was inside sleeping.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 13 (The last chapter)

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Keith loved how Ralph brought the aspirin. Ralph’s family was so proud of him. Then Keith went to nap. When he woke up Matt was in the room waiting for him to wake up. When Keith woke up, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Matt brought back his ambulance and his motorcycle. Ralph wanted to keep the Motorcycle forever and his mother said if he wears the crash helmet and rides it correctly and at the right time and ralph did what she said and after all it was his. I like the part where the Motorcycle was Ralph’s. He was so excited. So excited he jumped on the motorcycle and rode it super-fast he spun around in circles. But promised to hold on tight. Because Keith told him. So, Ralph holed on very tight. Even tighter than he was supposed to. I do not like the part where Keith went to nap. Ralph had to stop. Ralph was so disappointed. When Keith woke up Ralph was so excited to ride the motorcycle. But it was time for Keith to go. But Ralph could go to. Keith said Ralph could ride it anywhere.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 12

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph found Keith an aspirin. But Ralph wanted to go somewhere else, so Keith opened the door. Ralph went to the forest. He had to escape the man with the dog. So, he asked Keith for his ambulance. But when he went into the elevator the floor was cracked. The ambulance got stuck then Ralph pulled it out then he escaped the dog because the dog went back to Room 211 with the man. I like the part where Ralph pulled the ambulance out of the crack. It was in the elevator. He tried to stay around it but then he tilted and fell. Ralph tried to pull with all his might and strength. He ran out of breath 3 or 4 times. After each time he ran out of breath he rested. Ralph pulled it out when the crack grew bigger. I do not like the part where the ambulance got stuck. It was in the 7th elevator. When the crack grew bigger Ralph stretched more further. Ralph did not like it. He holed on to the floor tight. Then Ralph used his claws and finally he got out. But he wanted to go back to the mousehole.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 11!

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph wanted to go out and look for an aspirin. But his mother said no you’re too short. But Ralph left the mousehole. Then he looked for an aspirin. He searched and searched in Room 215 and 216 and 211 and finally found it in Room 209. But then he got trapped. Mary Lou trapped him. I like the part where Ralph went to go find an aspirin. He squeezed under the door of Room 215. Then he looked the whole 1st floor. Then he crawled up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was Room 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 and 211. His favorite room was Room 205. Because of the flowers with the best smell he ever smelled. I do not like the part where Mary Lou trapped Ralph. Ralph was sad. He tried to push the glass out of Mary’s hand, but she was holding it too tight. Ralph tried many ways to get out, but Mary Lou kept holding it. He tried bigger ways, but he was not strong enough. Ralph was trapped. But he did not like it.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 9

Ralph was sad and lonely that night. His mother said to clean up after the family reunion. But Ralph did not want to clean up. For breakfast ralph wanted toast and a jelly sandwich. Then he talked to the family about why Uncle Lester and his mother didn’t want normal food. Then Ralph told them. Aunt Dorothy kept telling Uncle Lester and Ralph’s mother to stop talking while Ralph is talking. I like the part where Ralph told them why they couldn’t eat normal food, but they could. It was they could not eat food but just not poisonous food. And it was not poisonous. But his mother thought it was. So Ralph also told them why. While he was talking Keith said breakfast time. Everybody was exited. I do not like the part where Ralph had a bad night. Everybody was sad. Ralph did not feel good. He was tired and sick and very hungry. But they couldn’t eat until breakfast. Ralph could not wait. His family tried to make him feel better.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 8

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph accidently lost Keith’s motorcycle. He drove it in the pillowcase. It got stuck. And went in the laundry. But Keith made Ralph a new helmet. It was made out of rubber. Keith got a half Ping-pong ball and put Scotch Tape and put the tape on the rubber and put it on the Ping-pong ball. I like the part where Keith made a helmet for Ralph. It was in room 215. Near the mousehole. Ralph did not know what it was. But Ralph was happy. He was brave. And he wore the helmet. I do not like the part where Ralph lost Keith’s motorcycle. It was in room 211. On the blue carpet. With the other clothes. There was a dress and a sweatshirt. Ralph felt sorry for losing Keith’s motorcycle. But Keith said it’s OK.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 7

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph tried to get out of the mousehole. But then the vacuum cleaner lifted up the tube and Ralph fell out. Then the vacuum accidently sucked up Ralph. Then he got out. He tried to hide somewhere then he found somewhere. He wanted to hide in the pillowcase. And he bit holes for him and the motorcycle while the dog kept barking at the pillowcase for him to eat Ralph. I like the part where Ralph got out of the vacuum cleaner. It was in room 211. On the carpet. The blue carpet. Ralph got out because the motorcycle didn’t fit. And it pulled Ralph out. Because the vacuum cleaner couldn’t pull that much. I do not like the part where the dog barked at the pillowcase for Ralph. It was in room 215. It was also on the carpet. But it was red. Red was Ralph’s favorite color. Ralph did not see the carpet. Because he was inside the pillowcase.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 6

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph still wanted to drive the motorcycle. But Keith said only in the daytime. Ralph wanted to eat a peanut butter sandwich before Keith went home. So, Ralph and his little brothers and sisters ate the sandwich. Then Ralph took a nap. Then he walked around the motorcycle till daytime. It was nighttime. I like the part where Ralph wanted to eat a peanut butter sandwich. It was in the mousehole. Keith gave it to him. It was half a sandwich. Ralph showed it to his little brothers and sisters. His mother ate part of the sandwich. She saved the rest for the kids. I do not like the part where Keith said Ralph could only drive the motorcycle in the daytime. Because Ralph might bump into something. He tried to say he wasn’t going to bump into something. But Keith already left. So, Ralph just did what Keith said. Because it was his. Then the housekeeper came in.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Chapter 5

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph wanted to borrow Keith’s motorcycle. He asked him to open the door. So, he did. Then Ralph went on. He pasted a man holding a dog. Ralph was a little scared about the dog. He thought the dog might eat him. I like the part where Ralph wanted to borrow Keith’s motorcycle. He asked politely. Using please and thank you. He went on the elevator. When he was down, he looked around. Then he went back up to give the motorcycle back to Keith. But his mother screamed. I do not like the part where Ralph was scared about the dog. It was in the hall. The man did not look happy. He looked tired. Because he woke up early. Ralph was brave. He sneaked around by walking the motorcycle with him.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Chapter 4.

In The Mouse and the Motorcycle… Ralph wanted to get out of the wastebasket. So, Keith helped him. He tipped over the wastebasket and Ralph got out. Then he wanted to ride the motorcycle. But he did not know how to start it. Then Kieth told him. So, Ralph made the sound. I like the part where Ralph made the sound. Then it went off. Ralph was excited. Excited until he was out of breath. Then he wanted to stop. So, he said the sound slowly. If he wanted to move slowly, he said the word medium. I do not like the part where Ralph wanted to stop. It was on the carpet. The carpet was blue. He asked Ralph. Then Ralph told him. Keith also said thanks for asking. Then Ralph tried it.

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