Author name: Adrian

The story of Zachary Zween by Mabel

In the story of Zachary Zween… Albert Ames went first each day because his name started with A. Zachary Zween went last each day because his name started with Z. The class went A to Z. Their teacher was Miss Midge. There’s A, J, D, O, and Q. There were 5 boys. There was only one class. I like the part where Zachary was last. It was at school. Miss Midge told them their letters. The whole school was like a normal house size. They were all wearing green. And red hats. And black boots. I do not like the part where there were only 5 boys. It was at their school. Their teacher had a S. Albert always got to be with the teacher. When Zach was in line he had to move back a little. The middle boys were all together. But Albert and Zach were good friends.

Pinky and Rex and the Bully by James Howe.

In Pinky and Rex and the Bully (Chapter 6) Pinky and Rex were talking about how to make Pinky feel better from not liking pink. Then Kevin came up and kept saying Pinky was a girl. It’s because his name was pinky. He thought Pinky liked pink. Then Pinky and Rex were being mean to Kevin. They were saying Kevin liked pink. Then Kevin became nice. I like the part where Kevin became nice. It was at school. When they were walking to school. Before Kevin became nice, he thought why Pinky and Rex were not being nice. Then he got it. It was because Kevin was not being nice. Then he knew worry about you. Then he changed good. Then he went to go play. I do not like the part where Kevin kept saying that Pinky was a girl. It was also at school. Then they called Kevin ugly man. Then Kevin went to tell the teacher. Then the teacher told him it was his fault. Pinky and Rex went to hide just to make sure they didn’t get in trouble. But they were good. The bad one was Kevin. That’s how he knew it was him.

Pinky and Rex and the Bully by James Howe (Chapter 5.)

In Pinky and Rex and the Bully… Pinky changed his mind again. Now he wanted to be called Pinky. He wanted to like pink again. Mrs. Morgan wanted Kevin over. Because he said that pinky liked pink. But it wasn’t true. Pinky liked orange. I like the part where Pinky liked orange. It was at school. He changed his color at school. Then He went to play with Rex. Then they became friends. Kevin had to talk to Mrs. Morgan. While the kids were playing. I do not like the part where Kevin said that pinky liked pink. It was outside. When they were playing soccer. Before Kevin was talking to Mrs. Morgan Pinky told her. It was at 12:01. He also told her that he liked orange. Mrs. Morgan told Kevin Pinky liked orange.

Interrupting Chicken Cookies for Breakfast by David Ezra Stein

In Interrupting Chicken cookies for breakfast… Chicken was asking 7-14 times for cookies. But his dad kept saying no chicken. His dad wanted pancakes. So, when his dad was making pancakes, chicken was making cookies. Banana cookies. He made 2. 1 for each. I like the part where Chicken was asking for cookies. It was at his house. Chicken could use the hot stove by himself. Without getting burned. He looked at the instructions. He wanted them for dinner, lunch, breakfast, dessert, and snack. His dad was getting a headache from saying no so many times. I do not like the part where Chickens dad kept saying no cookies for breakfast. It was also at his house. He wanted them everywhere. Especially for himself. Chicken also made poems with cookies. He said he wasn’t going to make any cookies poems. But he lied.

Bear Stays Up For Christmas by Karma Wilson

In Bear Stays Up For Christmas… Bear was trying to sleep. But his friends were all yelling, “get up Bear.” So Bear stays up. Then he got very tired by then. He decided to stay up all night. He did not even see Santa Claus coming in. Then all of his friends wanted to go to sleep with Bear with a quilt. I like the part where all of his friend’s wanted to sleep with Bear. Bear loves quilts. Especially blue and green ones. His friends were Mouse, Hare, Badger, Gopher, Mole, Raven, Wren. The Bear didn’t want to go to sleep. Because of his friends idea. His friends woke him up just when he was about to get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I do not like the part where Bear got very tired. It was in his cave. The very first one who didn’t want to let Bear sleep was Mouse. Bear got a little sad. When Mouse first told him he couldn’t sleep Bear opened 1 eye. So Mouse said 2 times. Then Bear opened the other eye.

The Legend of the Poinsettia by Tomie dePaola.

In the legend of the poinsettia… Lucida was frightend to go into the church. But she was worried. Because her mom died. Then to make her mom better she put some Poinsettia’s. Then she said you’ll feel better. Senora Gomez took Lupe and Paco to the church. But Lucida did not go in. I like the part where Lucida said to her mom you’ll feel better. It was by the church. About ouside the front door. Lucida and her mom were helping making a blanket. When Lucida tried to do it herself the yarn got all tangled. There were 10 Poinsettia’s. Her mom’s favourite was the 3rd one. I do not like the part where her mom died. It was at her house. On february 6 on the evening. Lucida was very very sad. Now she only had her dad her 2 sister’s and herself. How she died was she got very sick. Her sister’s were both 3 year’s old.

Angelina Ice Skates by Katharine Holabird

In Angelina ice skates… Angelina Ice skated. Sammy and Sam played hockey. They were pushing Angelina out of the way. Then Sam could skate backward. And Sammy could skate on his hand’s. It was at Millers pond. Then they became friend’s. I like the part where they became friend’s. Then at the end they sang the New year’s song. The song was a chinese song. There was Angelina, Sam, Sammy, Felicity, Alice, Henry, Spike. Angelina loved ice skating. So much she stayed 5 minutes later. When they went in she was sad. I do not like the part where Sam and Sammy pushed Angelina out of the way. It was at Millers pond. Angelina got more mad. So mad she got a red face she threw everything down. She told the teacher. Then she calmed down. And enjoyed her friend’s again. The end!

Wimberly worried

In Wimberly worried… Wimberly and Jewel were friend’s. Jewel had Nibblet as his doll. Wimberly had Petal as her doll. When Wimberly get’s worried she rubes Petal’s ear’s. When Jewel get’s worried she rubes his nose. At first they were not friend’s until they got to school She also hugs petal sometimes so she doesn’t loose her. I like the part where Wimberly & Jewel were best friend’s. It was at school. They went to nursery school. Petal was similer to Wimberly. Wimberly worried the most at school. Wimberly always sat in a chair when Petal had to get washed. When Jewel and Wimberly played Nibblet sat with Petal. I do not like the part where Wimberly worried to much. Jewel sometimes was worried. But not much. But she mostly huged her. Wimberly and Jewel played all the time. Also Nibblet and Petal played. Wimberly loved her parent’s most. The end.

Henry and Mudge and the best day of all!

In Henry and Mudge and the best day of all ( Chapter 3 and 4 ) They all had crackers, potato chips, baby goldfish, bubble gum, decoder ring’s, suckers, taffy, cherry-nut ice cream, and a big fish tank birthday cake. Mudge thought it was water. There was a pinata in the tree. They played the game of ringtoss. And had lot’s of balloon’s. Most for Mudge. Henry’s dad took his picture’s. I like the part where Mudge thought the cake was water. They had colorful fishes. More of Henry’s favourite color: orange fishes the most. Mudge liked orange , too! Mudge really liked cake wich he had the most. So Henry told him don’t eat to much cake and other candy. Then Henry dreamed of birthday wishes for his next birthday. I do not like the part where they had to much junk-food. It was at the backyard and while playing games. The most candy they had was the cherry-nut ice cream. Henry played some of the game , too! And then Henry gave Mudge orange balloon’s. Mudge was so exited. That he licked them. The end!

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