Three pilgrims on Thanksgiving
One Thanksgiving, three pilgrims named Adrian, Brett, and Craig had a party. They had cake, did some dancing, did archery, and played some games. When they got home they went to sleep. The next morning everybody went to Brett’s friend Caroline’s house. They went to the middle school playground. They played tag and did some basketball. When they got home Craig said let’s go to the pool. Everybody agreed. So they went to the pool. They swam and they raced each other across the pool. It was fun. Then they dried off and went inside and had lunch. After nap they heard the doorbell ring. It was Caroline. Hello said Adrian. Hello said Caroline. Why are you here asked Craig. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go camping tomorrow. Oh sure said Adrian, Brett, and Craig. So the next day they went camping at a park. They went up and down the hills. They found an acorn. They made some tents. They stayed there for a week. When they went home they took a nap. In the afternoon they saw some other pilgrims while they were walking to a restaurant. When they go to Ralph’s Fast Food, they got three hamburgers, piles of salad, and some ice cream. When they got home they had fruit. Then they played Who can find the toy with each other. Then they went to sleep. The next morning they went to school. Brett was in Ms. Jordan’s class. Adrian was in Mrs. Lany’s class. And Craig was in Mr. Sly’s class. Brett and Craig were in second grade. And Adrian was in fourth grade. And they all had twenty boys in their class. They went to a school called Srane. When they got home Brett told Craig to do something and Craig told it to Adrian and Adrian did it. It was to go and hide the acorn that they found when they were camping. So he did. He hid it under Daddy’s chair. Then when Mommy needed it Craig told her where the acorn was. Then they had dinner. Watched Tangled while eating fruit. Then went to sleep. The next morning they did some yard work. They pulled some vines and cut the grass that needed to be cut. Then they went to the pool. Craig was eight years old. Brett was eight years old. And Adrian was twelve years old. Brett and Craig’s birthday were on June 23rd. Adrian birthday was on February 11th. And the school year was October 15th. And the school year ends at January 2nd. So when they got out of the pool, they had lunch and took a nap. When they woke up they went to Caroline’s house again. They played Clue and then went home. It was summer. They had dinner and then Bret said Let’s play Monopoly. Everybody agreed. So after Monopoly they had fruit and then went to sleep. Next morning when they went to school they learned new things. When they got home they did their work then had dinner. Then had fruit. Then Brett and Craig played with their toys while Adrian played music on the piano. Then they went to sleep. The next morning they went to the middle school playground. They played on the slide and on the swing. When they got home they had lunch and took a nap. in the afternoon they played Monopoly. Then they had dinner. Daddy cooked broccoli and beef. Then they had fruit. Then they went to play in the backyard. They played with the soccer ball. Then they went inside and watched Toy Story on the TV. Then went to sleep. The next morning they went to the park. They went to a playground they played on the slide and on the swing. It was very fun there. Then Craig said Let’s go home and do some work. Yes said Adrian. Okay said Brett. So they went home and did some work. They did math, piano, writing, reading, and running around the backyard twenty times. They were sweaty afterward. So they went in the pool. When they were cooled off they went in and had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they played Harry Potter World. Then had dinner. Then they had fruit. then they went to sleep early.