Author name: Adrian

Diary November 14, 2024

Today at St. Marks I had three classes plus PE is four and they are spanish, art, and drama. In spanish I learned some spanish and we played kahoot. I was on team unicorn. I won two rounds with my team and then we were the champions. In art I used a blue quarter from a whole sheet of paper. As my base I finished cutting everything else. So I made some sculptures on my quarter. Then, I glued the blue quarter sheet of paper onto a whole yellow sheet of paper. Maybe next art class I can glue some more thing onto the side on the yellow sheet of paper. It was fun in art. In drama I played with puppets. Ms. Massy was the narrator and told a story. And the puppets acted out the story using our hands to move the puppets. It was fun in those classes and today. I like and had a hard fun day today. I hope you have day like this too.👍

Diary November 13, 2024

Today at St. Marks I had science. I drew a picture of what my bridge will look like when I will try it next time. After that we asked Mr. Dillon if it was good. He said yes so Sioux and me played a app on the ipad called Build a Bridge. I made it to level seven. It is really hard. I also had music. We did not play the drums. Instead, we played a game that has a song going with it. It is called Grand Old Duke of York. For short you can call it GODOY. The game is when you sing Grand Old Duke of York, your partner will walk to each other and clap both hands. Then, when you sing He had 10,000 men, you walk backwards back to your spot and clap your hands. Then, when you sing He marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again, you and your partner will walk up walk sideways behind your partner and walk backwards back to your spot. And every time you sing up you jump up and every time you sing down you squat down and when you sing halfway up you go halfway up. I also had typing clup and I was amazing that I got a prize. I was so good at typing that Ms. Whitaker was like Wow I have never seen a kid who can type so fast in this class. And guess what? I got 54,000 trophies on the screen and on the ipad. I got mostly five silver stars (which means I am so good) in ten or eleven rows. Isn’t that fast and cool?

Diary November 12, 2024

Today at St. Marks I had computer. I played games in But mostly Loops with Laurel. It is fun. You can only use ten pieces or fewer. So, if there is a long trail of gems, you can use the repeat piece and whatever number that it says, whatever you put in there, it will do that whatever number you put in there many times. It is fun playing that game. I learned that long ago people were called pilgrims, and when they saw these new strange people they called them Indians but they were actually Native Americans. The Native Americans were very nice they taught them how to fish and gather food and a lot more things. Then, they had a long feast. The feast lasted for three days. Isn’t that long. Then the Native Americans showed what they knew how to do. Then, the pilgrims started dancing. The pilgrims used the Mauflower to get there. Today was a good day!

Diary November 11, 2024

Today at school I had Spanish. I learned some spanish and played Kahoot. I also had drama. I played a couple games. The first one was a game where everybody sits i a circle and Mrs. Massy will choose one person to be the guesser and one person to be the leader. The leader is going to do what ever they want to do staying criss-cross-applsauce. Everybody else will follow along. Then, the guesser will come out and take three guesses to find out who the leader is. We call this game Detective. The second game is a game where there is a Narrator and five or six acters. The Narrator will tell a story and the acters will act it out. Try to make a story easy to act out. And it has to be school appropiate. So it can’t have potty words or fighting or anything like that. It was very fun today. I hope I have another fun day tomorrow. Because I know you are.

Diary November 8th, 2024

Today I do not have school because it is parent teacher conferences. Mommy and daddy did not go to my school because they already went. Now it is time for a new kid to come. I have to do a better job at reading because I am going tomfast and I get the quiz wrong. So, I have to do a better job at reading which I am trying. Other than that Mrs. Beacom said I did a good job so far at St. Marks. It is fun staying home by yourself and with one family member, but sometimes you might get a little bit bored. But that is okay. On spring break which is in March, we might go to Ahma’s house. But we might not. We can have fun anywhere. Except in jail. That is only for bad guys. You don’t want to be like them. Right? Yeye and Nainai are both teachers they teach a school. But we won’t get to go to their house this weekend. Because they are at China.

Diary November 7th, 2024

Today I do not have school because it is parent teacher confrences Thursday and Friday. I got to go with mommy and daddy to the parent teacher conferences. Ingot to wait on the sofa next to Mrs. Malicks desk and read a book. Mommy and daddy are going to talk with Mrs. Beacom. At 10:45 we are going to go to Brett’s lunch. We can bring lunch or we can buy lunch. But we know we are going to eat lunch. I have a four day stay home day. On Tuesday Brett stayed home and guess what? He snuck up to the candy box and took at least 5 pieces of candy. Daddy did not even see him. But daddy knew Brett did that because his mouth was blue. And Brett lied for every candy. But since he lied we stood in the attic for two hours. Yesterday Brett lied again so he stood in the attic for 3 hours. And for the three hours he did not even eat dinner or anything except breakfast. He came out at bedtime. 8:00. I hope you are not like him.

Diary November 6, 2024

Today at St. Marks I had Spanish. In Spanish I learned a new song I am going to sing on Grandparents day. I also had music. I sang a song. It goes like this: 5 little turkeys reading. We spent all night in a tree. When the cook comes around we don’t want to be found so that’s why were here you see. That is the end. I hope you liked it. In PE, I played Speedball. My team was Blake, Alex or Alexander, Jared, Milton, and Austin. I played against Weston’s team. Which were Weston, Willie, Akash, Charles, and Hugh. The score was 0-0. The other team might have scored one or two, but those were out of bounce so it doesn’t count. I also recited my poem. There is hand motions that go with it. It goes like this: Hiawatha by Henry Wodsworth Longfellow. By the shores of Gitche Gumee, by the shing big sea water, stood the wigwam of Nakomis, Daughter of the moon, Nakomis. At the door on Summer evenings, sat the little Hiawatha, heard the whispering of the pine trees, heard the lappings of the water. Sounds of music, words of wonder. Mine-wawa said the pine trees. Mudway-ashka said the water. I hope you like what happened today. I wonder what you are going to write. What?👍

Diary November 5th, 2024

Today at St. Marks it was Day X it is a special day. There is no who gets to go to lunch first. Whoever gets there first gets there first. I had science today. I got to bring my ipads to science. I did not have to build bridges. I played a app called Build a Bridge. So, there is this car(or truck) that is trying to get to the finish line. But there is the ocean inbetween. So, we have to build a bridge so that the car(or truck) can go across. But you can only use road or wood to make a strong stable bridge. When you think you are done, press the green button that shows a car with a arrow under. Then, the car(or truck) will go across the bridge If it breaks then it is not strong enough. The way you can know that is will break is that green lines mean that is correct, yellow lines mean well maybe not, and red lines mean that is not right. If it is all green the car(or truck) will make it to the finish line.

Diary November 1st, 2024

Today at St. Marks I had Spanish. I had Snack there. I colored a table that shows all the Dia de los Muertos the right color. I also had art. I cut strips of paper and I cut curves. Next week I have homework Monday through Thursday or Friday. I have to cut curves of paper. I will get a bag with paper in it and I will go home and cut curves of paper. It is fun. I hope you know how to cut. I also had drama. I watched some puppet shows. Some were long, funny, short, and some shows were shows where people did not even know what was going on. The puppets are not like puppets you put on your hand, they are like you drawing something and then coloring it and then cutting it out and then taping it to a popsicle stick and using it for the show. You can do it by yourself or you can have a partner or a group. It was a very fun day today.

Diary October 31, 2024

Today I had a halloween party. Mommy came. She was one of the helpers and she helped set up the party. I had a strawberry, pretzels, and a cupcake. I made a monster out of stickers. I made a monster. I was dressed up as Darth Vader. I also had music. I watched Coco. In music Mr. K said that on November 22 we are having a Grandparents day. He said that we are going to take the wall away and make it so we have the drama room and the music room connected. And the grandparents are going to watch us perform. And since we had a party Mr. K is going to open the store the next time he sees us. I had did not have math. I did not have math. Instead I watched Spookly. It is a good movie. There is round pumpkins that are mean to Spookly. Spookly is a square pumpkin. The other pumpkins make fun of Spookly. It was fun at the party.

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