Diary June 13, 2024
Today I went to Camp. I went to he falls. I did not go in the water. I was playing volleyball. In the sand. A serve is where you hit it over the net with the inside of your hand. And it is open all the way. Your hand has to be open all the way. A hit is where you put you right hand into a fist and the left hand wraps the half part of the fist where you see the fingers. And your fingers have to be facing up a little. Just the fist. After snack I went to fitness. I played a game kind of like dodgeball. But when you’re out if the ball goes out of bounds you can grab it and hit someone that’s still playing, and you switch places. So, you’re back in, and the person you hit is out. And there are only 3 balls. 3 like green bouncy balls. With black writing on them. It is fun. You start out of the cones. And when you’re out you go out the cones. When you’re in the game you have to be in the cones.