
Diary June 26, 2024

Today I went to the falls and played sand Volleyball. I also played that inside except there was no sand at all. I played soccer. And Dodgeball. We just used 1 bag of balls. There are two bags, but we just used one. I think the Stallions were using the other one. I don’t know. Or they could be playing Newcome. It’s similar to Newcome. Except you use your rist and you have to keep the ball going. And you have to make it spin a little. In sand Volleyball. It’s pretty fun. Newcome is pretty fun. Sand Volleyball not so much. But it’s also fun if you like it. But Newcome is more fun than Sand Volleyball. Today there were no fitness games. We don’t do fitness games on Wednesday’s. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday we have fitness games. We do fitness games on those days. Except the weekends and Wednesday. It’s fun. Very fun.

Diary June 25, 2024.

Today Camp was fun. When I went rock climbing, I rubbed the buddha’s belly. So, now I have good luck for seven days. Only for seven days. Which is one week. We also played a game called Bacon. It’s where you get a number, and you have to remember that number. And when they say that number you run out and grab a ball and run as fast as you can to the net. And it has to touch the net. But only the person who is that number can run out. There are two teams. The last goal wins. When you run out if they say carry you have to carry it and touch the net. If they say throw you have to throw it and touch the net. If they say bounce you bounce all the way to the net and touch it. And then bounce all the way back. I also took a swim test before I swam. Because it’s a new week. There are no falls on Tuesday’s. Only Tuesday’s there are no falls.

Diary June 24, 2024

Today at camp I played soccer with two balls. Yesterday we went hiking at Arbor hills something preserves. It was fun. I also played Jack punt with Brooks and some other friends today. We used a red football that was kind of soft. It was the same football as I was talking about last time heh. But it was red. And soft. There are a lot of colors red, orange, purple, green, blue, and lots of other colors. In soccer it was 15 to 3. There was no penalty’s no refs and no timeout. It was fun. More fun than Jack punt. In fitness we played the same game as last time but with red balls. It was the game that was similar to dodgeball. But there were no headshots. And there was one more rule than last time. Instead of just hitting someone with the ball when you’re out. You can just tag someone with your hand if you’re out. But you have to be behind the cones.

Diary June 21, 2024

Today I earned a certificate. And an Apple juice with a Holk face on it. I earned it by doing a great example and being a good listener and listening to my counselor’s. I played soccer I was on the blue. And then I went to the red team. It was fun. The other choices were shooting hoops with basketballs. Or Gaga ball. Or Dodgeball. Or last Board games. But that was at the end of the day. All that 5 choices stuff. I played sand volleyball. But I actually played Newcome. I just went to sand volleyball. There were two courts for sand Volleyball. And there were two balls. It was very fun. After we were done, we washed off all our sand. And we could go to the falls. But I didn’t. Because I didn’t have enough time. I had to put on my socks and shoes. And I had to go inside. Because they almost were going to close the falls and the sand volleyballs. And I was almost the last one. Most of the people had crocs. So, they were quick.

Diary June 20th, 2024

Today at Camp I played Soccer and Dodgeball. Yesterday we stayed home. We went hiking. It was fun. We saw a Rock that looked like a watermelon. Well, someone painted it. We took 2 pictures of it. With Brett and I in the picture. We went to the cemetery. It’s where people get buried. It was by a big building that looked like a hotel. There was a different cemetery. But we didn’t go there. Mommy went with us ‘too. She packed two granola bars. She packed a nut bar and a chewy bar. The chewy bar is also a chocolate bar. It just said Chewy bar on it. The nut bar had a little chocolate on the bottom. It also had nuts. It was fun going hiking. Craig, daddy and Ahma were sick. Craig was sleeping on the couch. Ahma was in her room doing work or something. Daddy was sleeping in bed. Or on his phone. We brought some hats. Fun!!!

Diary June 18, 2024

Today I went in the pool I took the Swim Test. Because there were new friends. I played Soccer at the end of the day. I also went to after care because daddy was late. But only for a short time. The score at Soccer was 9 to 3. My team the red team was the winner. I scored 2 goals. The last one and the fourth one. One of my teammates scored 5 goals. Another scored 1. And my counselor scored 1. Each team had 8 players. There were 16 kids. I played trench Dodgeball. In court 4. Soccer court 5. And there’s also court 3 we didn’t use. Mustangs and Stallions were using courts 2 and 1. Playing something else. I also played Dodge Baseball. It’s the same as Baseball except you’re using a Dodgeball. A Dodgeball instead of a Baseball. We used color black. Black Dodgeball. We also played Sharks and Minos. Theirs only 2 sharks starting the game. The first 2 Sharks have to where a blue jersey. Every other Shark don’t have to where a jersey. And there’s only blue. We do have red, but we just use blue.

Diary June 17, 2024

Today at Camp I met some new friends. I played Sand Volleyball. I played soccer team one, two, and three. Team one where’s blue. Team two where’s red. Team three doesn’t where anything. They just stay in their normal clothes. We all had the same number of people of each team in the game. It was fun. Laureline was there she is from Armstrong. My Kindergarten school. And her big brother Tom was there. Laureline’s big brother. Laureline’s 6 years old. And Tom is like 9 or 10 years old. I played Jack punt. With the football with my friends. The football was red it was easy with parts of your body to use it. It was also similar to a soft toy and it was a bit soft on the outside. Withe red and pink checker square’s on the outside. And the white lines as a regular football has on it. It only had the white lines and the red and pink checkers on it.

Diary June 14, 2024

Today at Sports Camp the Broncos got to go first again for everything. Then Mustangs. Then Stallions. I played Sand Volleyball. It is fun. I played in the sand in the shade. I got to burry some of my friends. I also played in the sun. More in the shade. I practiced more about Volleyball. And I got a little better each time. I played Dodgeball. But with everybody in the whole entire camp. I also played Capture Flag. Its where you try to take all the flags and bring them back to your team without getting tagged by the other team. You also have to get the flags and run to it without getting tagged. You also have to guard your flags. But not puppy guarding. Just normal guard. It’s very fun. More fun than Dodgeball. In Dodgeball we use all the balls. It has all sorts of colors. The balls have all sorts of colors. But most black. Every other color is just 1 or 2 of that color.

Diary June 13, 2024

Today I went to Camp. I went to he falls. I did not go in the water. I was playing volleyball. In the sand. A serve is where you hit it over the net with the inside of your hand. And it is open all the way. Your hand has to be open all the way. A hit is where you put you right hand into a fist and the left hand wraps the half part of the fist where you see the fingers. And your fingers have to be facing up a little. Just the fist. After snack I went to fitness. I played a game kind of like dodgeball. But when you’re out if the ball goes out of bounds you can grab it and hit someone that’s still playing, and you switch places. So, you’re back in, and the person you hit is out. And there are only 3 balls. 3 like green bouncy balls. With black writing on them. It is fun. You start out of the cones. And when you’re out you go out the cones. When you’re in the game you have to be in the cones.

Diary June 12, 2024

Today at camp was the same as yesterday. We went to the pool and the falls. I chose the falls. I played Handball. In the sand. You have to keep track of the points. The game is where you throw the ball and if it hits the ground on the sand, you get a point. If someone catches it, it’s nothing. They just catch it. If it hits you, you’re out. If you catch it with one hand, you’re back in. But only 1 person. The rest stay out. And the person who catches it one handed the person who gets back in that person is the person who gets back in for who was standing out the longest. And you have to throw it over the net. If it hits the net you’re also out. But it’s still your team’s ball. It’s kind of fun. And you have to get in position so it’s better to catch the ball. Sometimes you might have to move a little for the ball. But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It’s better that way.

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