
Diary June 11, 2024

Today at Camp I went into the pool. I took the swim test so now I don’t need a life jacket. Some friends did need the life jacket. Only a few. There were floaties and water guns and noodle pads. There was a little basketball area where you can shoot hoops. There were slides. Water slides. But they were not real and big. Also, they were not really huge and twisty like a real water slide. They were like little balloon slides where you can slide on them and splash into the water. It was very fun. Like 4 or 5 people needed goggles. There were flags saying SMU. There was a line for the pool that was sort of connected to the wall. There were 5 short fat cylinder things on it. There were 6 lifeguards. I also did some fitness there. I played Dodgeball. The Broncos always went first for lots of things. Because we were always the best for everything. Then Mustangs then stallions.

Diary June 10th, 2024

Today at Sports Camp I played soccer, and it was a tie. Yesterday we were at Cameron’s birthday party. It was also Cora’s birthday. They were at gymnastics. We ran around. Brett and I were the only ones listening to the judges and coaches Craig was crying near mommy Craig only liked the cake and lunch part. We played in the pit. It was filled with red and blue soft cube blocks. I had to bounce on the trampoline like a bunny all the way and jump into the pit. The other option was to hold onto the rope and the judges and coaches gave us 3 pushes and we let go and fall into the pit. There were two friends there that Brett knew. It was Cora and Cece. And another name is Cecilia. For lunch we had beans chicken or beef. I chose chicken. And Brett and Craig. We had cake after it was last. We also had chips. The party was fun. Very fun.

Diary June 6, 2024

Today at Sports Camp I played kickball. On Monday {I think} I got a Sports camp shirt. It said Hilltop on it. The counselors were Ryan, Celeste, Evan, Mark, Mr. one, Jake, and Mr. Crew. Those are the only ones I know. 3 more that I don’t know. They are all girls. I played soccer. And today was pool and falls. So, it doesn’t mean we just go back and forth. It means whoever wants to go to the falls goes to the falls. Whoever wants to go to the pool goes to the pool. In the pool there are water guns and fluffy sticks that you can play with. The water guns are airplanes or other fluffy sticks that are short it’s where you put the end of the longer color in the water and pull the shorter color side and take it out of the water and push the shorter color in and it squirts water out. The airplane is where you put it in the water and pull the tail take it out of the water push the tail back in and it squirts water. There’s a silver or white string that’s pretty short to make it look like a regular plane. It is fun.

Diary June 5th, 2024

Today I went to sports camp. I had snack before lunch. I played soccer. I practiced lifting weights. I went in the big swimming pool that was inside and I also wore a life jacket for the water. I played trench and method dodgeball. I also played hockey with 2 balls. There were not enough sticks, so we had to kick. It was very fun. And oh, we had counselors instead of teachers. There were 9 counselors. There were three groups. Broncos, Mustangs, and Stallions. There were three counselors for each one and three that were extra to just watch just in case and help or problem. I was in the Broncos. My counselors were Coach Ryan, Coach Evan, and Coach Seles. There were kids in all grades that went there to the sports camp for all of those things. Only 2 groups can go to the pool. Yesterday was the Broncos and the Mustangs. Today was the Broncos and the Stallions.

Diary May 31, 2024

Today I am staying home. So, I have to do piano and reading twice. Brett and craig are at school for 7 hours while I do my work here at home. Once I finish all my work, I can do something fun. If I watch TV, I have to go to timeout for however many times I scratch. Last week was 1 minute every time I scratch. This week is 2 minutes. Right now, I have 0 minutes. Next week will be 3 minutes. Each week goes 1 number higher no matter what. I don’t know when we will stop this. Maybe when my skin gets better, and I stop scratching and I have no more boo-boo’s. That’s what daddy and mommy want. They keep watching me every time I scratch. Mommy tells the minutes. When daddy tells me to stop scratching mommy hears him and adds minutes whatever week of minutes I am on. So, I better stop scratching before i get to 100. Or higher. At least 100.

Diary May 28, 2024

On Tuesday the electricity went out. So, we had to work inside. It happened at night. There was a storm, and it broke something so now we have no electricity. Because the electricity went out. It was chilly outside when doing work. It also broke the fence. And made the pool dirty. And broke 2 branches in the tree. it landed in our neighbor’s yard. It was very scary that some people went back to bed. Because they were to tired, and they were too scared of the storm so they went back to bed to rest for the rest they could sleep. they were so tired that they thought the whole day was a whole night. The storm only went on the morning. The afternoon was sunny, but the electricity was still out. Because when I woke from nap, I saw that it was bright. Brett too. craig was still crying with tears in Ahma’s room. Mommy said no tears.

Diary May 23rd, 2024

Today at school I watched a movie about Disney world. We didn’t just go to Florida. We watched a movie about what there was at Disney. We watched different rides. And different places. On the map. On the screen. We were actually in the classroom. And we watched the different transportations that we could use to get there everybody chose a different one some the same on each thing and there were multiple choices that we could pick from on the screen so that everyone could see what there was and we all could choose one. There was all of them. None were gone. Some of them some people might not know, and some people did know. The boys picked the scary ones, and the girls picked the sweet and cute ones. Ms. Johnson picked only 8 for each thing. 8 friends. Or kids. But she only picked 8 kids in her class. Some people might not get a turn.

Diary May 22, 2024

Today I had everyone come to our classroom’s. And our parents came. The whole class. Not just me. Everyone’s parents came. And Ms. Johnson. I got a certificate. And a time capsule. It was very exciting and happy loved and there were a few that were running around because they were so excited that Ms. Johnson had to tell them to stop but they did not stop. They were too excited. Ms. Johnson put up a movie to watch. Then we sang our first-grade song that was pretty long that the parents started singing too. Then when they went home, we stayed at school. We could not open our certificate until we are in high school. I will be 18 years old but also 17. 17 years old and 18. Ms. Johnson gave us some hand motions to go with the song. I also brought home bubbles. With a graduate hat on top. It was blue. Withe a blue wrapper.

Diary May 21st, 2024

Today I practiced my First-Grade song. That I’m going to sing to the parents. And my parent. Probably both. I’m going to look at my parents and sing the whole song. Everybody’s parents will be there. Ms. Johnson will also be there. We practiced without looking. We practiced that Ms. Johnson was our parents. It was very exciting. Everybody was happy. It was probably 5 minutes long. We practiced many times with Ms. Johnson for maybe 20 days which is 4 weeks without crying or tears while Ms. Johnson taught us. Everybody knew whose parents were coming. Like some people’s moms or dads. It can only be parents. Not grandparents. Just parents. Then we went to the library. And got some books that I have to read for St. Marks. And the letters and authors. I only picked a few. Because the whole list was too long. So just a few.

Diary May 20, 2024

Today at Specials I had P. E. and art. At P. E. I played tug of war. At art I drew a coral reef. We were going to color on Thursday. On May 23rd 2024. Friday is Field day. We were going to play lots of games.

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