
Diary February 20, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish, art, and drama. In art I looked at a picture on the screen and then everyone got one turn to say what they see and say what makes them think what they say. Then we drew the picture. It looked like a fourth grade or middle school picture but I figured out that we could do it. In drama I worked on short shows with my group. My grooup was me, Jack, Benjamin, and Adam. Our story went like this: Jack says What is this stinky place? Adam says I think it is a trash can. I say Let me try lifting the lid. Then I lift the lid but it doesn’t work. Benjamin starts talking to the trash can. Then Jack says I am going to put 19 bombs on the sides. 123. Then we are out. So the third time you try to get out of the thing you are trapped in it has to work. I hope you have a great day like me. Will you?Good-bye.

Diary February 19, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and music. In science I did an experiment to test my hand pollinator. Mr. Dillon said during and experiment you have to follow instructins very well. What we did was we took all the materials and took one at a time. We dipped it one time very gently in the baking soda on the bottom of one cup. Then we tapped very gently three times on the cup with a hole that fills up the whole bottom of that cup. Then we take the cup off and see how much baking soda fell on to the black circle. We were pretending the baking soda was the pollen. On your paper at the top it says Does it pick up pollen?, Does it drop off pollen?, and How much pollen does it drop off? In music I practiced a new song. I forgot it right now. Then I learned about Scott Jopland. Then I played Gimkit. I hope you have a super duper great awesome fun whole day.

Diary February 18, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had computer. In computer I did no bring my ipad. I got to control my own Ozobot today. So it can only roll on black lines and it can read color code. The colors are black, red, blue, and green. You have to make a code that the Ozobot can read. In math I learned about quadriladerals. Quadriladerals are shapes with four sides. Quad means four and laderal means sides. So quadriladeral means four sides. Pentagon isn’t only the shape. Pentagons are shaps that have five sides. Hexagon isn’t only the shape. It is shapes that have six sides.

Diary February 13, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and music and drama in one class. I also had a pepralli and a Valentine’s Party. In music and drama in the music room we watched a movie. I forgot what it was called but I only watched a little bit and there is a character named Mr. Moon. At the pepralli I watched the girls do their dance and then I watched a basketball game. There were only a few players on each team. It was St. Mark’s. There was a gold team and a blue team. The blue team won. I forgot the score. At the Valentine’s Party I got so many treats. mommy was late because she had to bring Brett home because he was sick at school. So she had to bring him home and come back to St. Mark’s. For lunch today I had Grilled chicken, broccoli, apple slices, and milk. I hope you have a super great day just like me. Will you? Bye-bye.

Diary February 12, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had art and music. In art I made a Valentine’s heart. So I cut out a big paper heart. Then I cut out another paper heart and glued that one onto the big paper heart. Then I cut out a third paper heart and glued that one onto the second paper heart. I just kept doing that until I couldn’t fit any more. In music I didn’t really do any music. But Mr. K wanted to watch the fourth grade dress rehearsal. So first we watched a movie about a guy who looks like a relative to Mickey Mouse. He could sing a song that goes in an certain type of order of contenents. He said every single state and country. Mr. K can say only a little bit of it. He said if you can say all of it he would be impressed. That is harder than Catilina Magdelina Hoopenstiener Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan. Then we watched the fourth grade dress rehearsal. It was the other fourth grade class. I do not know the title but it is about a marriage. I did not hear the title very well. I hope you have a great day at school. Good-Bye.

Diary February 11, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and library. In science everyone got to put on a pair of Virtual Reality Goggles. Those are goggles that when you put them on at first it says Session Paused and there are pause buttons all over the place. But when Mr. Dillon puts a picture of a castle on the goggles, you get to see a castle and it is so cool. Mr. Dillon said to just look around. You don’t see anything except the picture. You don’t see your friends you don’t even see your hand waving in front of the goggles. Mr. Dillon said to put the goggles on only when you are sitting down. If you are standing up with the goggles on your eyes then he will take your goggles away. When he says goggles up that means you put the goggles on your eyes. When he says goggles down that means take the goggles off of your eyes. In library I listened to Mrs. Montgomery read two books to us. One was called I think Aeops something. I forgot what it was. The second book was called The Hare and the Tortoise. I didn’t check out a book because I played Star Wars Chess with Jack. Lee, Michael, and some other friends were watching. I am starting to learn about knights and castles. Today me and my class learned about castles. A castle has to be very strong for many people to live in. I don’t want to share all the things that I learned about castles so I am just going to say that for now. I hope you enjoyed my story of what I did today. I hope you will have the same day one day.

Diary February 10, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and drama. I was chapel opener today and mommy came. In drama we didn’t do acting. Instead we watched a fourth grade dress rehearsal. Some parts were funny. In chapel when you are chapel opener you always say This is the day that the Lord has made at the begining of chapel. If it is your first time then you say it in the microphone that my Father Arbogast holds. If it is your second time you say it on the microphone on the podium. I also started making my Valentine’s bag. I already brought my Valentine’s in the classroom. So now I am making my bag. I got nine little Valentine stickers, one strip of Valentine stickers, and two big Valentine stickers. I also used marker to decorate my Valentine’s bag. When i was done I brought it to Mrs. Beacom and she put it on her back desk. I hope you have a super awsome great Valentine’s day!

Diary February 6, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish, art, and music. In spanish we ate snack and we practiced some spanish. In art we started making a flower with rainbow colors. That is so cool. It is all different kinds of colors. In music I learned two different hymns that I will be singing in chapel on Friday. Then Mr. K read a book called Mortimus. There are parts where you have to play the xylophones and glockenspiel. So whenever it says someone goes up the stairs you play the scale going up. Whenever it says someone is going down the stairs then you play the scale going down. Then we watched a little bit of The Magic School Bus in the Arctic. Mr. K said next time we have music we are going to play a game where you play a song with insruments on the ipad. The more you get the song correct the higher your score is I think. Good-bye.

Diary February 5, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and drama. In science I had a piece of paper that showed a single Amaryllis. Mrs. Brooms class has a double Amaryllis. But the paper only shows a single Amaryllis. We drew the red arrows only. So wherever the red arrows are on the screen is where we will put our arrows. Then we will right what that part is or the words that are on top of the red arrows on the screen. In drama I played Mission Impossible. It is where you start at the first blue tape and you say “My name is whatever your name is. Then you would say “And I’m on an impossible mission. Hit it maestro.” Then you will sneak walk to the next blue tape. Then you will make your face look like you just heard something and you stand up tall. Then you shrugg your shoulders and say ” Eh, guess it’s nothing.” Then you tip-toe walk to the two chairs with the blanket cloth thingy and you can choose either stairs or elevator. Most people did elevator. It is where you pretend you press a button in front of you. Then you start to bend your knees like you are going down the elevator. Then you put on a pair of sunglasses. You come up and take a spin and you do a cool pose.

Diary February 4, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had computer. In computer we all finished Code.org. So now we moved onto a new code called Shape Tracer I think. It is where there is an Ozobot or however you say it or spell it who has to move on the color lines. So you have the Movement section and the Light Effects section. Light Effects is the color of the line. Every level has a different line color and the Movement section is two things. The first thing is moving. There is the direction, the steps, and the speed. you can change any of those just by clicking whatever you want to change and clicking the thing that you want. Same with the colors. The second thing in the Movement folder is turning the body which is also very inportant. There is slight left. That is left but only half of that. There is slight right. Same thing except it is turning right. There is left. There is right. There is also u-turn left and u-turn right. U-turns are turning your body all the way around. So if I’m facing forward and I make a u-turn then I just turn around so that I am facing backwards. There are ten levels that you have to get gold medals with. When you do that you unlock something. I do not know what it is because I did not finish or beat all the levels and get gold medals for all of them. I hope you have a super greaat day.

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