
Diary October 30, 2024

Today I had computer. I did Code.org. I did Loops with Scrat. It’s where you use the repeat piece and the number in the piece is how many times that arrow will move. So, for example say I did south in the repeat piece that had the nuber five, then Scrat will go south five times. And I did Loops with Laurel. It’s the same thing except Laurel is trying to get all the gems. I also had PE. I played Speedball. I played against Weston’s team. It was fun playing Speedball. The score was 0-0. Isn’t that funny. On Weston’s team there was him, Willie, Hugh, Charles and propably 1 or 2 more. At Community time we watched with a lot other classes we watched Mrs. Davis and Senora Russo said some stuff and Senora Russo read a book about Dia de los Muertos. At the end we made a flower called a Marigold. We made it with thirteen tissue papers and one pipe cleaner stapled together.

Diary October 28, 2024

Today I am staying home because it is fall break for St. Marks. But Brett, Craig, and Diana still have to go to school. On thursday it is Halloween. So I get to wear my costume which is Darth Vader to school. But not the mask and not the lightsaber. On Thursday at 5:00 we will go trick-or-treating. I can wear the mask and I don’t know about the lightsaber. Probably not because I have to carry my bag and open it for the candy. Today mommy is working at work for a little bit and will come home around lunchtime. I don’t know what we will have for lunch. Maybe something special. I cannot watch any TV or play any Wii this week because yesterday I put stickers on Brett’s book bag and he has to bring it back soon. Mommy took all of them off. I helped a little. That was very bad for me. I felt sorry. So, I will never do that again because we threw all the stickers away.

Diary September 23, 2024

Today at school I had science. I came up with a bridge with Sioux and chose a good looking one and got the materials we needed. We didn’t have enough time so I have to build my bridge tomorrow. It is a very nice bridge. It is sort of like a arch bridge. But with non-strong materials. We have to choose, one draw it, and list the materials that we will need to make our bridge. We already got the stuff we need. So, next time we will start building. I also had library. I read Room On The Broom and Turkeys Trick-Or-Treat. I got a new book. It is Harry Potter book 2 which is the Chamber of Secrets. But this one is illustrated. So, it is not the one with only a tiny bit of pictures. There are like at least fifteen pictures. It has a bookmark in there. I also got a candy corn bookmark from the library. It was fun at library. And at science. I had a wonderful day.

Diary October 22, 2024

Today I had Spanish. I learned some Spanish and then some seniors and some juniors came in. They helped me, and Benjamin make a kite. I had one senior and one junior. The seniors name I forgot it, but the juniors name is Charlie (not Charlie Jackson). I also had Drama. I finished my version of The Three Little Pigs And The Big Bad Wolf. My version was the three little frogs and the big bad mosquito. So, now we are moving into the puppet shows. We are supposed to make puppets. I made Darth Vader’s head and his red lightsaber. I drew it, colored it, cut it, and taped it to a popsicle stick. I made in class I colored and cut out a monster and wrote about it. His name is Danny. I made another monster named Evan. That is for there is a nightmare in my closet. That is our next thing after where the Wild things are. It was really fun.

Diary October 21, 2024

Today at school I had art. I made a big blob of paint into a monster then I glued my monster in my closet then decorated my closet. I put some rectangles and some doorknobs on my closet. And some faces. And on the back, I put NO MONSTERS ALLOWED. I also had science. I drew some bridges. I drew four of them. But I didn’t have enough time. I only had time for two bridges. Next science class I will finish drawing all four. And probably turn to the next page draw the best bridge and build it. and then we will list the tools we used. At PE I ran two laps on the track. And then I came into the gym and played a game called Newcome. So, there is two balls, and we just keep throwing them back and forth on each team. If somebody catches a ball the person who threw the ball is out. If you hit the net, you are out. If the ball lands in space that is nothing, but if you have a teammate that is out, that teammate can come in. Just make a line of the first, second, third and so on of people on your team that is out.

Diary October 16, 2024

Today at school I did computer science. I played Scrat trying to get the acorn and BB-8 trying to collect all the trash. It’s fun. You are trying to use the arrows north, west, east, and south. You put them like a puzzle and click run and he’ll run the puzzle. Same for both. in PE I played a game called Speedball. the way you play Speedball is there is going to be a football, and you can only pass to your team. And you are trying to pass it to each other all the way to the goal. If you miss a throw, the other team catches the ball, or you score a goal, it is the other team’s ball. Each goal is one point. the team with the most points is the winner. Our team won. the score was 5(my team) to 1. It is fun playing Speedball. At the playground we are building a moat out of sand. We are making a hole and a very big mountain. It is fun building a moat.

Diary October 10th, 2024

Today at St. Marks I played a fun game in P.E. It’s where there are four teams. And each starts with one medicine(pin). Whoever can get all four medicines their team wins. Now, there are going to be a lot of balls around if you get hit by a ball you go to the hospital. There are two doctors on each team. If you are in a hospital, if you have medicine, the doctor can pull you back to your side and you are in the game. Also, if you are a doctor, you can go out of your quadrant and steal the other pins without being tagged by a ball. If you get tagged by a ball while bringing back the medicine, you drop the medicine and go to the hospital. Also, whichever team you stole the medicine from, that team gets the medicine back. My teammate got the last of four medicines, so that means that my whole team wins and that was true. I hope you know how to play now. Do you?

Diary October 9, 2024

Today at St. Marks I did art. I learned primary, secondary, tertiary, tint, shade, tone, and monochromatic colors. A primary color is a color that cannot be made with any other color. Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors. A secondary color is a color that is made with two primary colors. Orange, green and violet(purple) are the secondary colors. A tertiary color is a color that is made with one primary color and one secondary. And the primary color has to be said first. Red orange, red violet(purple), yellow orange, yellow green, blue violet(purple), and blue green are the tertiary colors. A tint color is any color mix with white. A shade color is any color mix with black. A tone color is a color mix with white and black. Last a monochromatic is one color. Mono means one and chromatic means color. So, monochromatic means one color. I hope you enjoyed it. So, what do you know about art?

Diary October 3, 2024

Today at St. Marks I did Spanish. It was fun in Spanish. I also had P.E. I played Zor ball. I practiced some throwing. I had library. I checked out a cool library book. It is a Star Wars Episode seven. The Force Awakens. It has Kylo Ren. It has Rey and it has Poe Dameron and Finn and BB8. It has all sorts of cool stuff. Last time at library I checked out a Darth Maul book. It is also Star Wars. I had Drama. In Drama I practiced my groups version of The Three Little Pigs. We did the three little frogs and the big bad mosquito. Another group did the two little turtles and the two big bad lions. Another group did the three little turtles and the big bad dinosaur. The three little Bla Bla-Bla and the big bad megalodon. I forgot the three little things because it was a long time ago today. It was right after lunch. So, I wonder what your version will be. What are you going to choose?

Diary October 2, 2024

Today at St. Marks I did art. Do you know what a Tint color is? A Tint color is a color is any color mis with white. A Shade color is any color mix with black. Did you know in the whole wide world there is only one color that is a tone color? A tone color is a color mix with white and black. Yeah. It’s Gray. I also had P. E. I practiced basketball. I played a game where you have to throw the ball over the net and if the other team catches it. Then, that’s a point for their team. Both teams get a turn. Whichever team has the most point’s is the winner (a point is one basketball). My team won. We had like twenty-eight basketballs. The other team had like twenty-six basketballs. There is like thirty basketballs in the whole game. And we practiced dribbling the basketball for two minutes around the gym running. Running the whole time. I did it. Do you think you can do it?

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