Diary June 28, 2024
Today at camp I played some games because it was the last day of camp. So, we had a little indoor field day. We played tug of war. We played a scooter race. We balanced a ball on a spoon. We played connect four. We had a popsicle party. There was no fitness today. It was fun. We played Newcome. First, we did Stallions VS Mustangs and Broncos. Then we did Counselors VS Campers. When we did Stallions VS Mustangs and Broncos, we didn’t figure out who won. It was too late we had to hurry up to do Counselors VS Campers. Because we needed to go to lunch. We needed to go to lunch quickly. It was the same amount doing both VS. But Stallions VS Mustangs and Broncos was a little longer. That was like forty minutes. Counselors VS Campers was like thirty-8 minutes. It was fun. Newcome was fun. And today was a super fun day.