Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and music and drama in one class. I also had a pepralli and a Valentine’s Party. In music and drama in the music room we watched a movie. I forgot what it was called but I only watched a little bit and there is a character named Mr. Moon. At the pepralli I watched the girls do their dance and then I watched a basketball game. There were only a few players on each team. It was St. Mark’s. There was a gold team and a blue team. The blue team won. I forgot the score. At the Valentine’s Party I got so many treats. mommy was late because she had to bring Brett home because he was sick at school. So she had to bring him home and come back to St. Mark’s. For lunch today I had Grilled chicken, broccoli, apple slices, and milk. I hope you have a super great day just like me. Will you? Bye-bye.