Diary February 19, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and music. In science I did an experiment to test my hand pollinator. Mr. Dillon said during and experiment you have to follow instructins very well. What we did was we took all the materials and took one at a time. We dipped it one time very gently in the baking soda on the bottom of one cup. Then we tapped very gently three times on the cup with a hole that fills up the whole bottom of that cup. Then we take the cup off and see how much baking soda fell on to the black circle. We were pretending the baking soda was the pollen. On your paper at the top it says Does it pick up pollen?, Does it drop off pollen?, and How much pollen does it drop off? In music I practiced a new song. I forgot it right now. Then I learned about Scott Jopland. Then I played Gimkit. I hope you have a super duper great awesome fun whole day.

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