Today is Sunday. It is the weekend. Craig’s birthday is on this Tuesday which is in two days. Today for lunch we ate pizza. After that we all went to my basketball practice except daddy. It took so long for daddy to come home from Costco that it took from way before lunch to my basketball practice. After basketball practice we took a nap. It was a one hour and five minute nap which is the same as sixty-five minutes. After breakfast we went to the Armstrong playground. Brett scored 12 baskets there! I played with another kind friend. I didn’t know his name. We played horse and then we played a Two V One basketball game. The way you play horse is someone picks spot to shoot the ball. Then the other player has to stand in that same spot as the first player then that person has to shoot it. If the second player misses then they get a letter. But then after that they get to pick a spot. If you get a H then O then R then S then E and spells out horse then that player loses. We just used half court for Two V One. So every time it is someones ball they have to check it. That means that one player has to bounce it to another player in front of him or her. Then that person has to bounce it back to the player who bounced the ball first.