Diary January 24, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and music. In science we watched Mr. Dillon put radish, green onion, and Lima Bean seeds inside a bag. Some of the bags had watr on the paper napkin and some did not. One had water, light and warmth and some did not. One had no light, warmth, no air and one had air no warmth and light and many other options. In music I learned the song Awake, Awake and sang the song called America which I already know. Then we played a game called Fishtopia. I got to go to purple pond. You have to get questions right to earn bait, you have to feed fish the bait and get it, and you have to sell fish to get cash. You have to spend cash to go to Purple Pond, Sandy Shores, and there’s one other one but I forgot it. I got to go to Purple Pond and Sandy Shores but I didn’t get to go to the last one. I got so many fish. There were red, gray, blue, green, purple, and maybe some other colors. There is even starfish I think. But I didn’t get to get any starfish. When the game ended I got seventh place. Alexander Constantine got first place. I hope you have a great day too. Just like me. Will you?

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