Diary September 3rd, 2024

Today at St. Marks, I had Drama we read the story The very busy spider. I acted out as an owl. There were spiders, horses, cows, pigs, dogs, roosters, ducks, and owls. It was fun reading and acting that story out. I also had Math. I filled in some of the sheets of papers and some I took home to practice and fill in myself. Some are hard and some are easy. It depends on which one I get. I get two every day and maybe some more I get one math homework and one Elay homework which is also the same as language arts homework. And maybe some more math homework and maybe some more language arts homework. But every day I go to library which I think is tomorrow we always get a bookmark. There are books at the library and there are games at the library and there are puzzles at the library. And there are computers at the library which we don’t use until fourth grade. It was very fun today!!!

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