Interrupting Chicken Cookies for Breakfast by David Ezra Stein

In Interrupting Chicken cookies for breakfast… Chicken was asking 7-14 times for cookies. But his dad kept saying no chicken. His dad wanted pancakes. So, when his dad was making pancakes, chicken was making cookies. Banana cookies. He made 2. 1 for each. I like the part where Chicken was asking for cookies. It was at his house. Chicken could use the hot stove by himself. Without getting burned. He looked at the instructions. He wanted them for dinner, lunch, breakfast, dessert, and snack. His dad was getting a headache from saying no so many times. I do not like the part where Chickens dad kept saying no cookies for breakfast. It was also at his house. He wanted them everywhere. Especially for himself. Chicken also made poems with cookies. He said he wasn’t going to make any cookies poems. But he lied.

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