Look out kindergarden here I come!

In the book: Look out kindergarden here I come!… Henry was a little afraid of kindergarden. Then he enjoyed it. He did work, met new friend’s, and played with toy’s and had fun! His teacher’s name was Ms. Bradley. Then he thought kindergarden was a little scary. So he said: I want to go home. He only new the ABC’s and the number’s. I like the part where Henry new the ABC’s and the number’s. It was at school. He told his teacher he new them. He practiced at his house. But he just new 0123 and ABC. Then everybody didn’t want to play with Henry. Because they thought he wasn’t that smart. Because he only knew just the ABC’s and the 0123. I do not like the part where Henry was afraid of kindergarden. He was worried at his house. He was worried about his new friend’s. He was thinking about what was new and what was not. He wanted everthing to be new. Because he knew the not new thing’s at his old school. The school when he was 3 year’s old. Now he is 6 year’s old.

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