Matilda, Chapter 2!

In the book called: Matilda… Matilda asked how her father sells cars. Her father’s name is Mr. Wormwood. He told her all about selling cars. Her mother was watching television. Her mother’s name was called Mrs. Wormwood. She was watching if Mr. Wormwood was right. Mr. Wormwood was also watching, but didn’t really watch, because he was so busy telling Matilda how to sell cars, he didn’t get any part wrong, Matilda said” COOL!!! I like the part where Mr. Wormwood didn’t get any part wrong. No part wrong while telling Matilda. No mistakes. He was all right. And telling the truth. No wronging. And no purpose not telling the truth. I do not like the part where Mr. Wormwood wasn’t watching. Mrs. Wormwood kept saying keep watching. And Mike. And Matilda. He was not listening. He was too excited to tell. But Matilda wanted to sell cars too, so she got some hats and some Superglue.

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