Who was Albert Einstein, Chapter 3

In Whom was Albert Einstein? Albert got kicked out of school. Because he was being disrespectful. He went to Pre-K. Kindergarten. 1st grade. All the way to 12th. Middle school and High School. Albert was very smart in Middle school. That was his favorite school. He was mean at all the other schools. He was only 5. 5 years old. I like the part where Albert was very smart. He practiced 5 hours a day. Whoa. Thats really cool. And a lot. There were 20 problems for him every day. Even the weekends. Weekends and school days. Any work. No matter which one. Any one. Whatever type of work he got, he liked it. Because he never played. He did so many work. About 1,00,000,0 work. I do not like the part where Albert got kicked out of school. He was very mean. Thats why. Because he was mean. Is why he got kicked out of school. He liked middle school. But hated The other. Even college he hated.

Danny the champion of the world, Chapter 5!!!

In Danny the champion of the world…All the pheasants were made from poachers. Poachers are special artists. They copy anything. Anything you want. They are very very special. They are expert artists. Better than a champion artist. But they are very old. The poachers are very old. I like the part where the poachers are expert artists. They live in art buildings. They are very big buildings. The biggest building you ever seen. As big as 100 elephants. They can only fit 10 people. So, you have to be very creative. I do not like the part where the poachers are very old. Because some people say that they are going to die. In 20 days. There can only be 2 poachers. And 4 learners. 4 learners in 2 groups. 1 group. And another group. Only 2 groups.

Danny the champion of the world, Chapter 1

In Danny the champion of the world…Danny’s father was a mechanic. Danny was a boy. His father was a boy. His father’s best friend was the BFG. BFG stands for the Big Friendly Giant. Danny’s father was a giant’ too. They were very best friends. I like the part where the BFG and Danny’s father were best friends. They really really loved each other. Very super loved each other. It was only them two. And well sometimes his other friend James. James is also nice. And a giant. All of His friends are giants. I do not like the part where Danny’s father was a mechanic. Because Danny thought his father would hurt himself. His name is Danny Lest. His father was Mr. Lest. Danny’s mother died. It was sad. Very sad. For Danny. Only Danny for her mother.

George’s marvellous medicine, Chapter 12

In George’s marvellous medicine… The saucepan was still on the stove for 2,000 seconds. Because George liked it. It was the right time. For him. George. Then he made medicine 2. It was better than the first one. I like the part where George liked the amount of 2,000 seconds. Because he liked hot. His whole family liked hot. Mr. Killy Kranky. Mrs. Kranky. George. And his brother Mike. I do not like the part where Medicine 2 was better than the first one. Because he liked the first one more. But his father liked the 2nd one better. So, he made the second one better. And then George liked the second one better. He didn’t know that his dad made it better. Because George was sleeping.

George’s marvelous medicine, Chapter five

In Georg’s marvelous medicine… George put the saucepan back on the stove. So, it wouldn’t get cold. That is what George wanted. He doesn’t like cold stuff. Never. Never ever. Never never never. I like the part where George doesn’t like cold. But he also doesn’t like too hot. He likes hot. And medium. Sometimes he likes to eat both. Both. Mixed up together. I do not like the part where George didn’t like the cold stuff. Because he thought it would make him frozen. Like ice. It would feel like he got frozen from Elsa. The saucepan was medium. Medium was his favorite. It had lots of ingredients.

Fantastic Mr. Fox, Chapter 8.

In Fantastic Mr. Fox… That night there were 3 tents put up by the farm. 1 for Boggis. 1 for Bean. 1 for Bunce. Those were farmers. They were mean farmers. They were nasty farmers. They were mean and nasty farmers. Nasty and mean mixed together. Bean never ate anything. He did not like food. He drank lots of apple cider and kept 1,000 turkeys. Boggis kept 1,000 chickens. He ate three boiled chickens with dumplings for lunch breakfast and supper. Everyday. Bunce kept 1,000 ducks and geese. He ate doughnuts and goose-livers. He was a kind of a pot-bellied dwarf. I like the part where there was 1 tent for each farmer. They did a pattern. It went like this: Sleep in 1 tent sleep together. On the weekend they sleep in 1 tent together. Both weekends. But in the barn. It was fun only for Boggis. I do not like the part where they were mean nasty farmers. Bean was the nastiest one. Bunce was the meanest one. Boggis was the most both of them. Bunce liked the whole farm. Mr. Fox Mrs. fox and the children foxes lived in a tree. The 3 farmers tried to kill him, but it was too hard. Mr. fox was super-fast to get killed. He runs and uses his body.

Star Wars, Chapter 8

In the Star Wars book… Ahsoka used her lightsaber and blocked the cannons from the castle. The castle belongs to Jabba the Hutt. He is great and powerful. He had 1,045 droids. He had 2 Dwarf spider droids, 10 battle droids, 14 super battle droids, 1 General Grievous, 46 Spider droids, 100 super spider droids, 500-star droids. 467 tow die droids, and 2 flower droids. They were very super good. They had blasters. I like the part where all the droids were powerful. The most powerful was super battle droids, spider droids, the super spider droids, and the flower droids. The weak ones were the battle droids. The medium was General Grievous, Star droids, Dwarf spider droids. The strongest ones were the Tow die droids. If they wanted, they could fight themselves. But it was a long time to end it. It would take a whole hour. Or more. At least 1 hour. I do not like the part where Jabba the Hutt is so powerful. He eats worm’s insects and jedi’s. But the jedi’s can defeat Jabba the Hutt. But it will be hard. That is why they ae sending out troops to make it easier and more help. Captain Rex is helping too. Captain Rex is the leader and champion of the troops. They are sending out clone troopers. Clone troopers’ phase 1. Phase one. Captain Rex is Clone trooper’ phase 22. There are 30 different kinds of phases. Sometimes in other lands there are 34 phases.


The BFG, Chapter 20

In The BFG… There was a scurry. A frantic scurry. It was at the palace. The palace was huge. As big as 100 giants. And as wide as 54 people. Only adults. I like the part where the palace was huge. It was huge, enormous, big giant palace. The queen could go there. And her soldiers, her guards, and her keepers. Her keepers keep her safe. Her soldiers shoot any strangers. Her guards were in front of the queen’s door on the side. There were only 2 guards. The keepers were all around the palace. there were 50 keepers. I do not like the part where there was a frantic scurry. It was scary. It was like there was a ghost. A ghost in the palace. It was not only scary. It was spooky. Also, spooky.

The BFG, Chapter 15.

In The BFG… The BFG was at his desk doing his homework. He only writes and reads comic books. It was fun. Sophie did the same. Same homework. Same homework as the BFG. Writing and reading. Reading the same books. I like the part where Sophie did the same. It was fun. They ended at the same time. Everything they do ends the same time. Sophie liked it. And the BFG. Most Sophie. Sophie liked doing the same thig and everything ends the same time. I do not like the part where the BFG only writes and reads. Sophie did not like that. Sophie liked math, reading, writing, typing, and drawing. Last origami. She liked math best. Because she got every problem correct. The BFG mostly liked reading. Because he got every word right.

The BFG, Chapter 12!!!

In The BFG… After they finished the Frobscottle, they rested. The BFG put Sophie back on the table. They rested it felt good. But then the Bloodbottler came in. But then The BFG killed him. Sophie had to help too. It was hard work. I like the part where they rested. It was healthy for both of them. Frobscottle is what giants like to drink. Every giant likes Frobscottle. Even young giants. Young giants are 66 inches. Even humans like it. I do not like the part where Sophie had to help the BFG. It was hard. And painful. It took 20 hours for Sophie. And 5 minutes for the BFG. They both worked. Together it made 20 hours in 5 minutes.

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