Diary July 18th, 2024
Today at camp my counselor was Raider. My third counselor of the week. I made a new lanyard. I went swimming for one body check. Body check is When you get out of the water and get in a very straight line and be super still and super quiet. The better you do the quicker body check will be. After that you get to go in back in the water. I did three body checks. Every time you hear BODY CHECK!!! you know what to do. There will always be two or three lifeguards. Now I have 4 lanyards. All of them I did were the first lanyard I made had colors orange and green. Second red and orange. Third brown and green. Fourth tan and orange. I am going to make 5 lanyards. One for me, one Brett, one for Craig, one for mommy and daddy to share and last an extra one just in case anyone loses one {mostly for Diana when she’s older}. I loved today.