Look out kindergarden here I come!

In the book: Look out kindergarden here I come!… Henry was a little afraid of kindergarden. Then he enjoyed it. He did work, met new friend’s, and played with toy’s and had fun! His teacher’s name was Ms. Bradley. Then he thought kindergarden was a little scary. So he said: I want to go home. He only new the ABC’s and the number’s. I like the part where Henry new the ABC’s and the number’s. It was at school. He told his teacher he new them. He practiced at his house. But he just new 0123 and ABC. Then everybody didn’t want to play with Henry. Because they thought he wasn’t that smart. Because he only knew just the ABC’s and the 0123. I do not like the part where Henry was afraid of kindergarden. He was worried at his house. He was worried about his new friend’s. He was thinking about what was new and what was not. He wanted everthing to be new. Because he knew the not new thing’s at his old school. The school when he was 3 year’s old. Now he is 6 year’s old.

I am going!

This is a good day. Just like yesterday. Yes! Yesterday was a good day, too. Well, I am going. You are going?! You are going away?! Yes. You cannot go! You must not go! I WILL NOT LET YOU GO!!! I am going. PIGGIE! What about me? Who will I skip with? Who will I play Ping-Pong with? Who will I wear a silly hat with? WHO WILL I SKIP AND PLAY PING-PONG IN A SILLY HAT WITH?!?! I am sorry, Gerald. But, I am going. Fine. Then I will go, too! Watch me go! I am going! Look at me go! Have fun. WAIT! Go later! Go tomorrow! Go next week! Go next month! GO NEXT YEAR!!! I am Going now. NOW!?! Why, Piggie? ( Now say 36 why’s.) why? It is lunchtime Gerald. Lunchtime? I am going to eat lunch. You are going to eat lunch? Yes. Oh. Piggie? Yes Gerald? Is it a big lunch? This is a good day. Just like yesterday… !


In Wonderfall by Micheal Hall… Mary the little girl has many colorful leaves then the animal’s start to eat the leaves. I like the part where Mary had colorful leaves. It was at her house. It was fall. They were green, orange, red, yellow, and brown. The animal’s were all type’s of bird’s. I do not like the part where the bird’s were eating the leaves. It was on Mary’s tree. It was the tree at her house. The tree at her backyard. The leaves were some kind of anchor shape.

Pinky and Rex and the bully by James Howe illustrated by Melissa Sweet.

In Pinky and Rex and the bully… Kevin was a bully so bad that he pushed Rex off his bike then Mrs. Morgan came and put Kevin in timeout. I like the part where Mrs. Morgan put the bully in timeout. It was at school. The timeout was inside. There was a new girl and she told the teacher what the bully did. The girl’s name was Pinky. I do not like the part where the bully was so bad that he pushed Rex off his bike. Also when Rex was playing soccer with his friend’s Kevin came and stoll the ball from him. That was Rex’s ball. A bran-new ball. Also Kevin just took the ball and ripped it. the end. That was chapter 1.

The Music man.

In the Music man everybody tried to capture Prof. Harold Hill but they let him go because they wanted a band and he made one. I like the part where Prof. Harold Hill made a band when they wanted one. It was called: 110 cornet’s. I think there were 126 people playing the band. Also Prof.’s freind’s played too. It was Tommy and Wrinthrop. I do not like the part where everyone tried to capture Hill. It was at Ms. Marian’s house. Ms. Marian did not like Prof. Hill. Then they became friend’s. They did not kill him or make him sick. They hand cuffed him. He stol their money.

Chocolate milk Por favor.

In chocolate milk Por favor… Gabe and Johny are friend’s Gabe liked chocolate milk Johny liked regular milk. I like the part where Johny liked regular milk and Gabe liked chocolate milk. It was at school. It was at lunch. They were arguing about it. But they were different. I do not like the part where Johny teased Gabe. It was also in school. Johny teased Gabe because Gabe was crying. It was when they were outside. Then they became friend’s.

Kindergarten rock’s!

In Kindergarten rock’s… Dexten was going to kindergaten but he was a little scared. I like the part where Dexten was going to kindergarten. He was 6 year’s old. She had a big sister named Jessie. She was 9 year’s old. But at kindergarden it wasn’t so bad. I do not like the part where Dexten was scared at kindergarden. He thought he might s;ill his milk,and the work was to hard. And he thought his friend’s would tease him. Rufus was scared to. Rufus was their fluffy toy dog. The end!

Letter’s from A deperate dog.

In Desperate Dog… Desperate the dog askes his friend George if he can use his cumputer George say’s yes but sometimes Desperate does some thing’s bad with the cumputer and George keep’s saying NO NO NO! to Desperate the dog. I like the part where Desperate ask’s George if he can use his cumputer. It was in at home,the library, the auditorium,and at school. Desperate look’s at the dog menu at the restraunt but there were only bones. George had Deperate and a cat. Deperate keep’s wondering off that he lost George. I do not like the part where Desperate did bad thing’s on the cumputer. That was a bran-new cumputer. Desperate apmost broke the cumputer. He almost broke it because he was typing wrong letter’s that don’t make sense to fast. Espasially he loved the F10 key so much that he pressed it so many times. The end.

The Magic school bus and the eletric field trip.

In the Magic school bus and the eletric field trip… the class was going on a eletric field trip but there was stuff that can burn you and thing’s that will not burn you. I like the part where they were going on a eletric field trip. They drove the Magic school bus. They went to Phoebe’s house. They went there to do electricity. But Phoebe only had her mom and her Grandpa. I do not like the part where some thing’s can burn you and some will not. It was in school. They learned it. All the sdudent’s did it. Ms. Frizzle had a daughter her name was Dottie.

The spooky express texas.

In the book called: The spooky express texas… they were riding on the halloween express train but then they turned to fast that the engineer’s head blew away. I like the part where they were riding on the train. It was at halloween night. They went through Lubbock,Austin,El Paso,Dallas,San Antonio,Lake Travis,Williams tower,Gorman cave,Sam houston park and then back in Lubbuk. They also went through circuses,fair’s and city’s. And it everybody said: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! at the end. I do not like the part where the engineer’s head blew away. It blew away at Gorman cave. The engineer just put a fake jack-o-lantern head on him. He was being funny. At the circus the farris wheel said: texas because they were in texas.

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