Author name: Adrian

Diary February 3, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish, library, and music. In spanish we practiced some spanish and we also practiced our spanish flash cards that we learn in spanish at St. Mark’s. In chapel Mr. Dini Talked to us about what it is to be a marksmen. There is a statue in front os Centennial Hall. At the bottom there are four words on it. One on each side. The four words are Integrity, Spirituality, Judgment, and Confidence. In library Mrs. Montgomery read us a book called Jack and the Beanstalk. Some pages in that book is a page where you have to find Jack. But the last page where you have to find Jack is so hard. But it only says Can You Find Him? It doesn’t say you need to find him or something like that. In music we played some games and learned and practiced some songs and filled out papers. I hope you have a great day. Will you?

Diary February 2, 2025

Today is Sunday. It is the weekend. Craig’s birthday is on this Tuesday which is in two days. Today for lunch we ate pizza. After that we all went to my basketball practice except daddy. It took so long for daddy to come home from Costco that it took from way before lunch to my basketball practice. After basketball practice we took a nap. It was a one hour and five minute nap which is the same as sixty-five minutes. After breakfast we went to the Armstrong playground. Brett scored 12 baskets there! I played with another kind friend. I didn’t know his name. We played horse and then we played a Two V One basketball game. The way you play horse is someone picks spot to shoot the ball. Then the other player has to stand in that same spot as the first player then that person has to shoot it. If the second player misses then they get a letter. But then after that they get to pick a spot. If you get a H then O then R then S then E and spells out horse then that player loses. We just used half court for Two V One. So every time it is someones ball they have to check it. That means that one player has to bounce it to another player in front of him or her. Then that person has to bounce it back to the player who bounced the ball first.

Diary January 30, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I HAD THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! I watched the Lunar New Year Celebration. It was the year of the Snake. There were Dragon Dances, Chinese Yoyo’s, a massk changer that is a magician, and there were these guys probably in middle school dressed in blue uniforms and the people in the front weren’t doing any moves. Instead they sang a chinese song with a microphone. They spoke chinese. My favorites were all of them. My more favorite ones were the mask changer, the blue uniform guys, and the chinese yoyo’s. But my best best best best favorite one are the chinese yoyo’s. This is one of their tricks that they can do. These are only two people. They can stand so far apart from each other and swing the yoyo’s high in the air to each other and catch it. That is very cool. One of the yoyo guys is Benjamin’s senior. Today he was on your right. I hope you have a super duper geat Lunar New Year. Just like me.

Diary January 29th, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and music. In spanish I worked on some things I had to work on. I glued the picture to the correct spanish word. Then I colored it. In music I practiced the xylophones and the Base Bar. That is when we did the xylophone patterns the Base Bar will just go bum bum bum bum bum 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and so on until Mr. K says stop. Then we watched a little bit of The Magic School Bus in the Arctic. In PE we ran one lap and then we played two rounds of Pinball. My team won the first round and the other team won the second round. My team had one or two fewer people than on the other team. Only Doc could coach us today. Coach Giler, Coach Phillips, and Coach Sullivan couldn’t coach us today. But Coach Sullivan will coach us tomorrow. Benjamin and Milton are back from home being sick. i hope you do not get sick and co have a great day. I hope you do. Will you?

Diary January 28, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and art. In science I watched a couple of movies. The first one I watched Dr. Binocs. He told us about how plants and all about them. The second one I watched was a Time Lap. That is where you watch someone plant a seed and then the first one and the last one had the number of days written on the bottom right corner. The first one was showing us how to grow a cucumber. It took about sixty days. The second one did not say how many days it took. But that one was many plants. There were brocoli, tomato, barley and many other plants. The last one or the third one was how to grow a sunflower. It also has the number of days on the bottom right corner like I told you before. In art I made a fancy drawing design on a piece of clay. First we flattened it with the bottom palm of our hand. Then we used these Every-Day tools or thingies to make fancy art designs on the back of the side where we flattened it. Then Mrs. Davis took it punched a hole at the top of it so that the ribbon can go through. Next she’ll right our names on it and next I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Diary January 24, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and music. In science we watched Mr. Dillon put radish, green onion, and Lima Bean seeds inside a bag. Some of the bags had watr on the paper napkin and some did not. One had water, light and warmth and some did not. One had no light, warmth, no air and one had air no warmth and light and many other options. In music I learned the song Awake, Awake and sang the song called America which I already know. Then we played a game called Fishtopia. I got to go to purple pond. You have to get questions right to earn bait, you have to feed fish the bait and get it, and you have to sell fish to get cash. You have to spend cash to go to Purple Pond, Sandy Shores, and there’s one other one but I forgot it. I got to go to Purple Pond and Sandy Shores but I didn’t get to go to the last one. I got so many fish. There were red, gray, blue, green, purple, and maybe some other colors. There is even starfish I think. But I didn’t get to get any starfish. When the game ended I got seventh place. Alexander Constantine got first place. I hope you have a great day too. Just like me. Will you?

Diary January 23, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had computer. In computer Idid I was in the Mini Projects section. In my level it is where it is a dog named Jorge (Hor-hae). But he is the only thing in the picture. So we get to create what he gets to do. But that is just the first one. On the second one it is where there is Jorge and one flag and you have to get to the flag with the blocks. The third one is one where is two flags and you have to get to both of them without reseting. The fourth one is even harder. It is where there is Jorge and two flags that are diagonal. One is on the bottom left and one is on the top right. The next one is one that I don’t know. Only those four are the ones that I did and completed. There is also a video. The video is the video that you watch to see how to do Mini Projects. I hope you have a super great day. Will you?

Diary January 22, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and drama. In drama Mrs. G was our drama teacher because Mrs. Massy wasn’t here today. We played a game where it is everybody chooses their favorite food that starts with the first letter of their name. For example I chose My name is Adrian and I like apples. Then everybody will repeat that. Alexander Constantine also did that one. Benjamin said My name is Benjamin and I like bagels. In spanish we worked in our book. We got to use stickers that matches the picture. So for one of them it went like this a Eliana le gusta el perro. That means Eliana loves the dog. I hope you have a day just like mine. Will you?

Diary January 21, 2025

Today at St. Mark’s I had art and music. In art I played with LaQ I think that’s how you spell it. It is where you have one square or triangle and a connector piece and then you can connect and make things. There are many different kinds of connectors. In music Mrs. Broom and Mrs. Broom were in the music room. Mr. K already taught Mrs. Broom’s class this but now everybody knows it because everybody practiced at school. It goes like this: Cris Cros tomato sauce. Cris Cros my heart is lost. Then i watched Magic School Bus in the Arctic. In PE we went to see the new gym. Then we went back to Lower School gym, ran one lap, went inside, and did some jump roping. We didn’t have to change into our PE shirt at all. My poem goes like this: I’ve heard of a man who lived in world peace. He had a great dream that violence would cease. “We’re free at last” is what he would sing. And throughout the world let freedom ring.

Diary January 20, 2025

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! For short is MLKJ. Martin had big words. Even though people were trying to hurt him he kept going. He used big words to solve problems. But he was arrested many times. One day Martin moved to Memphis Tennissee. On his second day there he got shot. He died. People still celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. At St. Mark’s my old coach named coach Giler’s birthday is on Martin Luther King Jr. Day which is today. Maybe people still use Martin’s big words. Maybe you will. Maybe I will. Maybe everyone will. Who knows? I hope you celebrate and have a great MLKJ day. Happy Birthday Coach Giler!!!

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