Author name: Adrian

Diary December 11, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had art and music. In art I finished my Christmas Wreath. So I helped Tristan with his until it was time to go. In music I sang Jingle Bells in spanish. It goes like this Cascabel Cascabel llego Navidad es un dia el algeria y Felicidad. Mr. K or Mr. Khestinejad opened the prize store. I got a rubber chicken worth twenty points and if you squeeze him hard then he will mke the chicken sound or the cluck cluck sound. Some other choices were Tic Tac Toe, Checkers, Tech Deck, Harmonica, Hot Wheels, Rebux Cube, and maybe some other stuff. Some kids got some of the stuff. I am trying to get forty points right now so Brett and Craig can have one. Right now we are just sharing mine. When Diana gets older I will try to get another one of those rubber chickens for Diana. I had a nice day today. I hope you will. Are you?

Diary December 10, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and library. In science Mr. Dillon read a book called Marean becomes a butterfly. Next class we will fill out a paper of words that we heard in the book to their job. In library Mrs. Montgomery read us a Hannukah book called Hanukah Pajamakkah’s and Mrs. Catsulous read us a Christmas book called Turkey Claus. Then we got to checkout our books. I checked out two books called Dog Man Brawl of the Wild and Who Would Win? Ultimate Dinosaur Rumble. In PE if you have a sweatshirt only those people can run a lap out on the field. This is what we call polar bear run. It’s when it is a cold day and you can only run with a sweatshirt. I was not one of those boys. Instead I ran a few laps in the gym. Then I got to do some jump roping. Everybody got to do some jump roping. I keep trying to do a cross-over. But I can’t.

Diary December 9, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had spanish and drama. In spanish I learned some spanish. I did a little review. In drama I did a little yoga. Then I did The Three Billy Goats Gruff my groups way. My group was Milton, Austin, Lee, and me. We did The Three Aliens and the Big Bad Space Monster. The way we do it is there are three aliens who are trying to get to their spaceship. But they are stuck in this pod. They have to cross a wormhole. Inside the wormhole there is a big space monster. The way the aliens are going to trick them is the first and the second one say Don’t eat me. Wait for the other one. It has more slime. The space monster likes slime. Then when the third alien comes out he is covered with slime. Because he has so much slime he says Slime attack and then he just starts throwing slime at the space monster. Then the space monster starts rubbing his face like he is trying to get all the slime off. Then all the three aliens get to cross the wormhole and get to their ship. They broke the pod with their slime.

Going skiing

Once upon time, there lived a horse named Harry, a reindeer named Ron, and a hamburger named Hermione. One day they went on an adventure to the mountains to go skiing. Harry was size 9. Ron was size 7. Hermione was size 7 too. They went skiing for 34 minutes. When they went in they played a game. It was called Mysterium. Ron won. Then they went back skiing. They met Professor Dumbledore the Papa Donkey. Hi said Hermione. Hi said Professor Dumbledore. Professor Dumbledore was the master at skiing. So if anybody needed help, they could just ask Professor Dumbledore. Then Professor Dumbledore joined them to go skiing. Professor Dumbledore was size 13. After an hour, they went in to watch Mulan. Then they kept skiing for 18 more minutes. After 18 minutes they went on the chairlift. They did it 2 times. Then they went in to play Chess. Then they went snowboarding. They went to the mountain tops. Then they went on a trail. They took the green trail. Then they went to a snowy ground and built forts and did a snowball fight. Then they built an igloo to stay in for a while. They brought all their stuff into the igloo they built. Then they made a fire and made hot chocolate. When they were finished they went to the black trail and took it. They finished the black trail. Then they took the blue trail. They had to take a few chairlift. Then they went to a different place to go ice skating. They took the practice. Then they did it by themselves. Once they were good they played Hockey. Then they went back to the place where they built the igloo. They went in to read about famous ski people. Then they did what the famous ski people did. Then they were famous. People would put pictures of Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Professor Dumbledore. They were like ski masters now. They did some more chairlifts. When they were skiing down they closed their eyes and they could do it. They practiced a lot so they know what the place looks like and they know where they are. They can even do it backwards. They can even do it backwards with closing their eyes. That is very hard and tricky anybody can do. Only very good masters can do it. Not even regular masters. So after that they tried doing it with snowboards. They could do everything except the closing eyes going backwards. They practiced it for 15 minutes and then finally they could do it. Now they went to the ice skating place and tried doing it. They could do all of it. Then they had lunch. Then they took a nap in a special napping room in the building. Then they tried doing it with Hockey. They could do everything except the closing eyes going backwards. Since they were playing hockey it would be hard to practice. But since their masters they practiced still while playing Hockey. Then after 12 minutes, they could finally do it. Now they could teach anybody in the world how to do anything with skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. So then they took the black trail and did everything they knew on the way. Then they did it with snowboards. Then they were ski masters, snowboard masters, and ice skating masters. Now they went to teach some smaller students. They taught six. Their names were Jack, Styler, Mary, Raiyah, Porter, and Vorie. Then when they were masters they taught students. As more masters came more difficult lessons came. Then when everybody was masters, they all did a race for everything they knew. And guess what? Everybody made tie. Nobody lost and nobody won. Then they all did everything they knew so fast they broke their record. And guess who won? A student named Jason. Everybody cheered. And Jason got two trophies. One of the trophies was hard work. The next trophy was for winning. Then they did it again but with Jason out. The last winner was Styler. He did not cry. He just cheered happily. Then Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Professor Dumbledore went to the very tippy top of the mountain. They played a game called Don’t fall of the mountain. The way you play that is you are fighting on the tippy top and if you fall off the tippy top you are out. If you fall off you can ski or snowboard whichever one you have on the side of the mountain. When the game is over you have to ski or snowboard back to the tippy top and play again. They played five rounds. The winner for the first round was Hermione. The second winner was Harry. The third winner was Professor Dumbledore. The fourth winner was Harry. And the fifth winner was Ron. Then they played one last round strong and tough and the winner was Professor Dumbledore. Then they raced each other for snowboarding or skiing around the side of the mountain. They had to do 10 laps around the side of the mountain as fast as they can. And the winner to that was Ron. Then they played one last game. It was Racing to the building. They had to race to put their things away. And Hermione won. Then they all said good-bye and went to their own home. They might play again.

Diary December 6, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had science and art. In science we are finished with bridges. Now we are learning about plants. Today I didn’t plant I just watched Mr. Dillon plant a Bulb. It is a kind of plant. He put soil in a bucket then put the Bulb in. Then he put more soil on the roots, sprinkled it water, and put it on a lid or something. In art we made a christmas reath. We used rings and fabric. First we chose our ring. I got silver. Then we watched Mrs. Davis put a fabric on the ring. The way you do it is first you fold the fabric in half. Then you put the ring on. You want the part with no opening on the fabric in the middle of the ring. Then you take the two legs on the outside on the ring. Then put your fingers in the OK sign through the hole in the middle of the no opening part. Then give the two legs to the pointer and thumb then hold on to the ring and pull the two legs through the hole. if it looks like our finished and you think you are, Mrs. Davis is going to take all of the fabric and give it a little squishy.

Diary December 5, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had three classes. They are spanish, art and music. In spanish I just learned some spanish. In art I made a pumpkin. You can move the strips around. In music I learned some music. I learned a new song called Light a Candle Bright and Tall. Since it is new I do not remember it. But the song has the same song as For the Beauty of the Earth. I played a game called Bounce the Ball I think. But the way you play that is there is a song about it. I forgot how to sing it because it is new. But whoever’s name is in the part of the song gets the ball they catch the ball and then bounce it back to Mr. K. After that I played a game on the ipad called Knockout. The way you play this fun game is you have to stay on the platforms you can move. You have a blaster that is always next to you. If you want to use it you have to click the blaster button at the bottom and then to the right the number next to the blue bottle thing is how much lasers you have. Everytime you shoot it minus’s 1,000 away from the number you started with. If you run out of lasers you have to answer the questions. If you get the question correct you get 1,000 lasers back. If you fall off a platform you die and you have to start over if you are playing. The way you shoot people is you have to point your blaster at that person and I think click on the person you are shooting and it will shoot one laser. There are numbers above the person you shot at. I don’t know what that is for. Maybe for the health. I don’t know.🔫👍

Diary December 4, 2024

Toay at St. Mark’s I had science and drama. In science I cleaned up my folder for the new stuff. We are going to be talking about planes. We will also go to the Greenhouse to see some plants. We are also going to be learning about that. In drama we read the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. It is a little funny. hen we acted it out. I was the third Billy goat. Some other kids were the first Billy goat. Some other kids chose to be the secod Billy goat. Some other kids chose to be the troll under the bridge. When it was my turn to cross the bridge we said this while we crossed the bridge TRIP TRAP TRIP TRAP until we met the troll. We said I have long spears that can poke your eyeballs out of your ears. Then when the troll climbed out of under the bridge and saw what the third Billy goat looked like he got scared and said Oh Mommy. Ha ha ha ha ha. That was a funny part. 👍

Diary December 3, 2024

Today at St. Mark’s I had computer. Mrs. Whitaker wasn’t there. So we had a substitute teacher named Mr. Tolkin. We did We also learned about Poinsettas. They have red leaves and they can grow up to twelve feet tall in nature. I made a book that you flip the page up. We used eight pages. And it tells you about Poinsettas. In PE we did some jump roping and ran one lap. Then we played a game called Scatter. The way you play Scatter is there is three people who start to be the taggers with blue shirts. Everybody else has a yellow and has to keep running. There is no break no bases. If you get tagged you become a tagger and change your shirt to blue. If there is three or fewer people left we will play again but with the yellow shirts the taggers and the blue shirts the runners. We played only oe round. I am not sure if we finished it. 👍

At the Farm

Once upon a time there lived two friendly mouses named Lilly Mouse and Michael Mouse. One day they were reading about horses. Then Michael had an idea. We can go to a farm to see real life horses said Micheal. Yes said Lilly. We love horses she said. So the next day they went to a farm. They saw horses and cows and all kinds of farm animals. It was amazing. They also saw Farmer Jones. He was tall. He wore overals, a hat, a red shirt, sneakers, and was holding a rake. Michael and Lilly also saw a barn and a scarecrow. They got to feed the animals. They got to stay at the barn for a while. Then Michael and Lilly asked Farmer Jones if they could go and get their stuff from home. Sure said Farmer Jones. Yay said Michael and Lilly at the same time. So they ran home got all of their stuff and went back to the farm. Then they got to see what the barn looked like inside. Wow they said. This is a nice barn said Lilly. Then they got to ride on their horses around the barn. They stayed at the barn for a month. After riding on the horses, they went inside to play with the hay and make stuff with them. The next day Farmer Jones wasn’t there. He went to go get some more animal food. When he came back Michael and Lilly were playing with the animals. Then when it was time to feed the animals Lilly and Michael fed the horses, pigs, and chickens whie Farmer Jones did the rest. Then they got to make and grow and plant food. Then they took all the food and milk to the store. When they came back they got to go see the scarecrow. Don’t climb on the fence said Farmer Jones. The scarecrow looks cool said Michael. The scarecrow was wearing the same thing as Farmer Jones except he had hay and a pole. He had patches sewed on his pants and a nose sewed on his face he had eyes and a mouth on his face. Next morning Lilly and Michael read some more about horses. Then they played with the animals. Lilly was 10 years old. Michael was 14 years old. One of the sheeps got hurt. So Michael went in the barn to go tell Farmer Jones. Farmer Jones healed the sheep. Then the sheep was better. Then everybody fed the animals. Then Michael and Lilly played and made stuff with the hay. The next morning they made food. They made carrots, tomatos, potatos, and they even had an apple tree. Then they went in and did some I
Spy with Farmer Jones. Then it was time to feed the animals. After that they played catch and tag and all sorts of ball games with the ball. The next day Lilly and Michael practiced using the rake. After that they put a weather vane on the roof. Then they got to paint and draw and color things on the barn. Afterwards the barn looked so nice. The next day Lilly and Michael made cards and drawings and nice things for Farmer Jones. They even made pumpkin pie for him. Thank you so much said Farmer Jones. You’re welcome said Michael and Lilly. The next day was Thanksgiving. They grew a pumpkin patch full of all shapes and color and size pumpkins. They ate pumpkin for lunch and dinner. The next day Farmer Jones put all the animals into the barn to stay out of the rain. Then Lilly, Michael, and Farmer Jones went inside the barn and locked the doors closed and shut. Then they did stuff in the barn. They also fed the animals. It rained all day. The next day Lilly was playing with her legos. Michael was playing with his action figures. Then Farmer Jones had a doctor’s appointment. He said to take good care of the animals. Lilly and Michael took very good care of the animals. When Farmer Jones got back Lilly, Michael, and Farmer Jones fed the animals. The next day Lilly and Michael were playing with the balls and doing jump roping. Then they went in to feed the animals. Then they had salad for lunch. The next day was December second. They went outside to go play in the snow. Farmer Jones said to keep the animals in the barn so that they don’t freeze outside. The animals kept a blanket around them to stay warm. When it was summer time the animals gave Lilly and Michael a ride while Farmer Jones made the food. Farmer Jones also did the milk. When it was time to go in Lilly and Micheal did I Spy. Then it was time to feed the animals. The animals ate their food. Then it was time to put the food in the store. So Farmer Jones went to the store. Lilly and Michael stayed in the barn to watch the animals and to keep the animals safe from any danger. Farmer Jones put the milk and the food in Kroger. When he came back he was so surprised. Lilly and Michael had given him presents. It was so cool. Lilly gave him a lego set. Michael gave him a book about animals. The book was about horses and cows and all sorts of animals. Even animals that are not from the farm. It was so exciting. Lilly and Michael were both playing with the animals. Then it was time to feed the animals. The next day was Lilly and Michael’s last day. They did some throwing and I Spy with Farmer Jones. Then they fed the animals and gave Farmer Jones a big hug and said good-bye. Then Lilly and Michael went home. The end.

Vacation at Austin

Once upon a time there lived two friends named Polly the Parrot and Ryan the Rhinoceros. One day they went on a vacation for a week. They went to the capital of Texas which is Austin. They went to parks, lakes, stores, and stayed in their house to see what it looked like. When they went to a park they met Emily the Elephant and Zachary the Zebra. They all went to enjoy the lake that was at the park. They swam and they hiked. When they got home they had lunch and then took a nap. I the afternoon they read some books together. Then they did a very hard puzzle with 5000 puzzle pieces together. They only did 269 pieces. Then they had dinner. Then they had fruit. Then they did 43 more puzzle pieces. Then Emily and Zachary went to sleep on the couch. And Polly and Ryan went to sleep in the bedroom. Zachary was 21 years old. Emily was 19 years old. Polly was 10 years old. And Ryan was 8 years old. The next day they went to the park. They met Dwine the Dog who was 11 years old and he slept on the other bed at their house. Then they went home and ate lunch then took a nap with Dwine. In the afternoon they made a comic book. They decided to make it have 50 pages. They only finished 28 pages. Then they had dinner. Then they had fruit. Then they did a little more pages of the comic book. They did 10 more pages. Then they went to sleep. The next morning it was raining. So they did 11 more pages of the comic book and then it stopped raining. So they went outside to play. They played with the ball and with jump ropes and hula-hoops. Then they went in the pool to cool off. When they were inside they had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they did the last page of the comic. Yay we are done with the comic said Zachary. They did not have a name for their comic. But they did take it everywhere they went to read on a break. Then they had dinner. Then they had fruit. Then they went to sleep. One day it was snowing. So they decided to keep the book inside and go play in the snow. They did snow angels and they did a snowball fight and they made snow stuff. Then they went inside. They had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they did 50 more puzzle pieces. Then they had dinner. Then they had fruit. Then Emily said Let’s do some I Spy together. Yes everybody said. So they did some I Spy. Then they went to sleep. The next day they went hiking in the morning. When they got home they had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they did 38 more puzzle pieces. Then they had dinner then had fruit. Then they went to sleep. The next morning They swam in a lake. When they got home they had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon They did 52 more puzzle pieces. Then they had dinner and fruit. Then Ryan said Let’s play Monopoly. So after Monopoly they went to sleep. The next morning they made some artwork to hang up on the wall. Then they had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they did 30 more puzzle pieces. Then they had dinner and fruit. Then went to sleep. The next morning they went shopping. When they got home they did 18 more puzzle pieces. The puzzle was finished. So they cleaned it up and had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon they did some more I Spy. Then had dinner and fruit. Then Polly said Let’s watch Mulan on the TV. So after that they went to sleep. The next morning they swam in their pool. Then after lunch and nap they played some Monopoly. Then had dinner and fruit. Then they walked outside. When they came in they watched Aladdin on the TV. Then went to sleep. The next morning they went hiking. Then they came home and had lunch and took a nap. In the afternoon Emily did the laundry while everybody else played ball outside. then they had dinner and fruit. Then they went to walk outside and look at the stars. Then they went to sleep.

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