Diary November 1st, 2024
Today at St. Marks I had Spanish. I had Snack there. I colored a table that shows all the Dia de los Muertos the right color. I also had art. I cut strips of paper and I cut curves. Next week I have homework Monday through Thursday or Friday. I have to cut curves of paper. I will get a bag with paper in it and I will go home and cut curves of paper. It is fun. I hope you know how to cut. I also had drama. I watched some puppet shows. Some were long, funny, short, and some shows were shows where people did not even know what was going on. The puppets are not like puppets you put on your hand, they are like you drawing something and then coloring it and then cutting it out and then taping it to a popsicle stick and using it for the show. You can do it by yourself or you can have a partner or a group. It was a very fun day today.